OAR 845-005-0314
Refusal to Accept an Application


ORS 471.311 (Application for license)(2) authorizes the Commission to reject any application that is not in the form required by rule. This rule defines the required form of a complete application. The Commission shall reject any application that is not in the form required by this rule. The Commission shall give applicants the opportunity to be heard if an application is rejected. A hearing under this subsection is not subject to the requirements for contested case proceedings under ORS 183.310 (Definitions for chapter) to 183.550.


Any Commission forms, statements or requests required as part of an application shall be completed legibly to qualify for acceptance. To be legible as required by this rule, a form, statement or request must be signed and dated by the applicant and made or completed:


In the English language;


By typing or by printing that is clearly legible to Commission staff.


Any floor or plot plan sketches required by this rule shall be completed legibly in ink on the Commission’s Floor Plan form, be reasonably to scale and set forth in a manner that allows a person unfamiliar with the property to understand the general layout of the premises, and the boundaries and uses of areas proposed to be licensed.


A complete application shall include any forms, statements or requests required by OAR 845-005-0312 (Forms Required for License Applications), all fully completed and signed and dated.


A complete application shall include disclosures and documentation regarding parties with ownership or financial interest as defined by OAR 845-005-0311 (True Name on Application; Interest in Business) as follows:


Documentation of funding sources described on the Statement of Funding form. For instance, if funding is from a bank loan, documentation may be a copy of the loan agreement or the bank’s written verification of loan commitment. Commission staff may require further documentation in the course of license investigation;


Lease summary form(s) if the applicant is leasing the real property, equipment, furnishings or business at the location proposed to be licensed;


Purchase agreement summary form(s) if the applicant is buying the real property, equipment, furnishings or business at the location proposed to be licensed and, if the purchase transaction has not been closed, a copy of the applicant’s accepted earnest money agreement;


Franchise agreement summary form if the applicant is or will be a franchisee at the location proposed to be licensed;


If the applicant is not an individual, but is a registered entity as defined in OAR 845-005-0312 (Forms Required for License Applications)(2) (for instance a corporation, a limited partnership, a LLC) and registered as such with the Oregon Secretary of State, a copy of such registration and a completed form showing the individuals and persons who are the owners, principals, directors, officers, trustees, investors, members or partners in the applicant registered entity.


If any owner, member or partner with a 10% or greater ownership interest in the applicant registered entity is itself a registered entity, the applicant shall provide a completed form showing the individuals and persons who are the owners, principals, directors, officers, trustees, investors, members or partners in that registered entity.


A complete application shall include documentation and disclosures that record how the applicant proposes to operate the licensed business, and demonstrate the applicant’s qualification for a liquor license, as follows:


Floor or plot plan sketch showing the areas proposed to be licensed for any Full or Limited On-Premises Sales license or Brewery Public House license, including identification of table seating that meets the dining seating requirement of OAR 845-006-0460 (Food Service at Commercial Establishment with Full On-Premises Sales License) or 845-006-0461 (Food Service Requirements for Nonprofit Private Clubs with a Full On-Premises Sales License) if the application is for a Full On-Premises license;


Floor or plot plan sketch showing the proposed on-premises alcohol service or consumption areas of any manufacturer’s licensed premises;


Operating data questionnaire form if the applicant will sell alcoholic beverages at retail;


Food service proposal form if the application is for a license or privilege that requires food service to patrons at the licensed premises;


All supporting documents required as attachments to the Commission’s food service proposal form;


If the application is by a private club for a Full On-Premises Sales license, a copy of the club’s charter and copies of documentation of current dues-paid club membership of 200 or more members with voting rights in the affairs of the club.

Source: Rule 845-005-0314 — Refusal to Accept an Application, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=845-005-0314.

Purpose and Interpretation
Regular License
Alcohol Impact Areas
Local Government Recommendations: Requirements for Local Governments and License Applicants
Procedures for Public Notice of License Applications
Valid Bases for Adverse Local Government Recommendations
True Name on Application
Forms Required for License Applications
Refusal to Accept an Application
Applications: Refusal to Process
License Refusal Reasons that Can Not Be Overcome
Additional License Refusal Reasons for a Full On-Premises Sales License for a Nonprofit Private Club
Additional License Refusal Reasons for a Full On-Premises Sales License for a For-Profit Private Club
License Refusal Reasons: Applicant Qualifications
License Not Demanded by Public Interest or Convenience
Licensing Outdoor Areas Not Abutting a Licensed Building
Licensing Outdoor Areas Abutting a Licensed Building
Tour Boat License
Certificate of Authority Holder’s Sales Employees
Restricting License Privileges and Conduct of Operations
License Renewal: Requirements for Applicants
Change of Licensee
License Surrender
Liquor Liability Insurance or Bond Requirement
Full or Limited On-Premises Licensee Small-Scale Private Catering
Full or Limited On-Premises Licensee Large-Scale Private Catered Events and Temporary Use of an Annual License for Events at Another Location
Special Events Brewery License
Special Events Distillery License
Special Events Brewery-Public House License
Special Event Winery and Special Event Grower Sales Licenses
Delivery of Malt Beverage, Wine or Cider to Individuals — Definitions
Qualifications for Direct Delivery of Malt Beverages, Wine, or Cider to a Resident of Oregon
Guidelines for Approval of a For-Hire Carrier’s Plan for Delivery of Malt Beverages, Wine, Cider or Distilled Spirits
Qualifications for Wine Self-Distribution Permit for Wine and Cider
Qualifications for Retailer Endorsement to Receive Wine or Cider from the Holder of a Wine Self-Distribution Permit
Retail On-Premises Malt Beverage or Wine Sampling Involving Manufacturer or Certificate of Approval Holder
Retail On-Premises Distilled Spirits Sampling Involving Distillery Representative
Qualifications for Distilled Liquor Tastings Provided by Oregon Distillery Licensee
Temporary Sales Licenses
Temporary Authority
Standards for Authority to Operate a Licensed Business as a Trustee, a Receiver, a Personal Representative or a Secured Party
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 845-005-0314’s source at or​.us