OAR 845-005-0405
Full or Limited On-Premises Licensee Small-Scale Private Catering


ORS 471.184 (Catering and other temporary off-premises service under full or limited on-premises sales license)(1) allows the holder of a Full On-Premises Sales or Limited On-Premises Sales license to serve the alcoholic beverages permitted by the license for on-premises consumption at locations other than the licensee’s annually licensed premises when catering small-scale temporary events where the licensee will furnish food and beverage services for 100 or fewer guests of the catering client. This rule refers to this type of catering as small-scale private catering.


Definitions. For this rule:


“Bar” means a counter at which the preparation, pouring, serving, sale, or consumption of alcoholic beverages is the primary activity;


“Food counter” means a counter in an area in which minors are allowed and at which the primary activity at all times is the preparation, serving, sale, or consumption of food;


“License day” means from 7:00 am until 2:30 am on the succeeding calendar day, or any part of a license day.


“Serious violation history” means:


Two or more category III or IIIa administrative violations of any type, or category IV violations involving minors. However, if the circumstances of a violation include aggravation, one violation may be sufficient; or


One category I, II, or IIa administrative violation; or


Two or more crimes or offenses involving liquor laws.


“Social game” means a game other than a lottery, if authorized by a local county or city ordinance pursuant to ORS 167.121 (Local authorization of social games), between players in a private business, private club, or place of public accommodation where no house player, house bank, or house odds exist and there is no house income from the operation of the social game.


“Video lottery game” means a video lottery game terminal authorized by the Oregon State Lottery. Examples include but are not limited to video poker and video slots. Keno monitors are not considered a video lottery game.


For purposes of this rule, small-scale private catered events are events where:


There is a contract between a client and the licensee to provide alcohol and food service for a specific number of guests or participants;


The number of guests or participants is 100 or fewer;


The licensee is not the client;


Alcoholic beverage service is only in conjunction with food service; and


The provision of alcohol at the catered event must not be more than one license day’s duration unless the event is a closed conference or seminar.


ORS 471.184 (Catering and other temporary off-premises service under full or limited on-premises sales license)(1) authorizes the Commission to grant pre-approval to provide the service of small-scale private catering. Applicants must apply in writing using the application form provided by the Commission. The Commission may require additional forms, documents, or information as part of the application. The Commission may refuse to process any application not complete, not accompanied by the documents or disclosures required by the form or the Commission, or that does not allow the Commission sufficient time to investigate it. Sufficient time is typically one to three weeks prior to beginning the service of small-scale private catering. The Commission may give applicants the opportunity to be heard if the Commission refuses to process an application. A hearing under this subsection is not subject to the requirements for contested case proceeding under ORS 183.310 (Definitions for chapter) to 183.550.


General pre-approval to provide the service of small-scale private catering shall not include any event at a particular location more than one license day per week, unless the event is a closed conference or seminar.


An event that does not qualify as a small-scale private catered event under this rule must be approved as a large-scale private catered event or a temporary use of an annual license event under OAR 845-005-0410 (Full or Limited On-Premises Licensee Large-Scale Private Catered Events and Temporary Use of an Annual License for Events at Another Location).


The licensee’s application for pre-approval to provide the service of small-scale private catering shall be made in writing and include:


A written, dated, and signed plan the Commission determines adequately manages:


All events to prevent problems and violations;


Patronage by minors as set out in subsection (8) of this rule; and


Alcohol consumption by adults.
NOTE: An application is not complete if this plan is not approved by the Commission. The Commission may use subsection (4) of this rule to refuse to process any application that is not complete;


Identification of the counties and incorporated cities where the licensee will usually cater events authorized under this section;


Identification of any proposed catering location that is owned or controlled by the licensee;


Menu or sample menu showing type of food service proposed to comply with OAR 845-006-0462 (Food Service Requirements for Off-Premises Events with a Full or Limited On-Premises Sales License); and


Identification of premises proposed to be licensed if the request is for specific future events.


A plan for managing patronage by minors under subsection (7)(a) of this rule must meet the following requirements:


If the catered event will be on any part of a premises, room, or area with an annual license issued by the Commission, the Commission must be convinced that the plan will follow the minor posting and control plan, including any temporary relaxation of the minor posting, assigned to that premises, room, or area under the annual license. The Commission must also be convinced that the plan will prevent minors from gaining access to alcoholic beverages and any portion of the licensed premises prohibited to minors.


If the catered event will not be on any part of a premises, room, or area with an annual license issued by the Commission, the Commission must be convinced that the plan will prevent minors from gaining access to alcoholic beverages and any portion of the licensed premises the Commission prohibits to minors.


Minors are prohibited from the catered licensed premises or portions of the catered licensed premises as follows:


Minors may not sit or stand at a bar; however, minors may sit or stand at a food counter;


Minors may not be in an area where there are video lottery games, social games, or nude entertainment or where such activities are visible;


Minors may not be in an area where the licensee’s approved written plan designates that minors will be excluded.


The Commission may deny, cancel or restrict temporary off-premises license use for small-scale private catering for any reason for which the Commission may deny, cancel or restrict a regular license.


The Commission may deny, cancel, or restrict temporary off-premises license use for small-scale private catering if the licensee has a serious violation history at small-scale private catering events within the past 36 months.


Full On-Premises Sales or Limited On-Premises Sales licensees may engage in small-scale private catering without having received general pre-approval if the licensee first has given the Commission specific written notice of each event, which notice is received by the Commission within five calendar days of the event and includes the event date, duration, expected attendance, exact location, and a description of the type of event.


When the Commission approves a written plan under subsection (7)(a) of this rule, the licensee must follow that written plan. Failure to follow that written plan is a Category III violation.


If the licensee fails to prevent minors from gaining access to alcoholic beverages or fails to prevent minors from gaining access to any portion of the small-scale private catering licensed premises prohibited to minors, the Commission may immediately prohibit minors from the licensed premises or portion(s) of the premises.

Source: Rule 845-005-0405 — Full or Limited On-Premises Licensee Small-Scale Private Catering, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=845-005-0405.

Purpose and Interpretation
Regular License
Alcohol Impact Areas
Local Government Recommendations: Requirements for Local Governments and License Applicants
Procedures for Public Notice of License Applications
Valid Bases for Adverse Local Government Recommendations
True Name on Application
Forms Required for License Applications
Refusal to Accept an Application
Applications: Refusal to Process
License Refusal Reasons that Can Not Be Overcome
Additional License Refusal Reasons for a Full On-Premises Sales License for a Nonprofit Private Club
Additional License Refusal Reasons for a Full On-Premises Sales License for a For-Profit Private Club
License Refusal Reasons: Applicant Qualifications
License Not Demanded by Public Interest or Convenience
Licensing Outdoor Areas Not Abutting a Licensed Building
Licensing Outdoor Areas Abutting a Licensed Building
Tour Boat License
Certificate of Authority Holder’s Sales Employees
Restricting License Privileges and Conduct of Operations
License Renewal: Requirements for Applicants
Change of Licensee
License Surrender
Liquor Liability Insurance or Bond Requirement
Full or Limited On-Premises Licensee Small-Scale Private Catering
Full or Limited On-Premises Licensee Large-Scale Private Catered Events and Temporary Use of an Annual License for Events at Another Location
Special Events Brewery License
Special Events Distillery License
Special Events Brewery-Public House License
Special Event Winery and Special Event Grower Sales Licenses
Delivery of Malt Beverage, Wine or Cider to Individuals — Definitions
Qualifications for Direct Delivery of Malt Beverages, Wine, or Cider to a Resident of Oregon
Guidelines for Approval of a For-Hire Carrier’s Plan for Delivery of Malt Beverages, Wine, Cider or Distilled Spirits
Qualifications for Wine Self-Distribution Permit for Wine and Cider
Qualifications for Retailer Endorsement to Receive Wine or Cider from the Holder of a Wine Self-Distribution Permit
Retail On-Premises Malt Beverage or Wine Sampling Involving Manufacturer or Certificate of Approval Holder
Retail On-Premises Distilled Spirits Sampling Involving Distillery Representative
Qualifications for Distilled Liquor Tastings Provided by Oregon Distillery Licensee
Temporary Sales Licenses
Temporary Authority
Standards for Authority to Operate a Licensed Business as a Trustee, a Receiver, a Personal Representative or a Secured Party
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 845-005-0405’s source at or​.us