OAR 845-005-0312
Forms Required for License Applications


As a part of the application:


The applicant or applicants for a license shall submit a completed Liquor License Application form.


The licensee submitting a request for approval of a change as required by Commission rules must submit a signed and dated request in writing.


All individual applicants, all general partners in a limited partnership, limited partners whose investment commitment is ten percent or more of the total investment commitment, all members in a limited liability company or partnership whose investment commitment or membership interest is ten percent or greater, all directors who own or control three percent or more of the voting stock, principal officers (as defined in OAR 845-006-0475 (License Changes Requiring Notice/Prior Approval)) of corporate applicants, and all natural person stockholders owning or controlling ten percent or more of the voting stock of corporate applicants will submit a completed Individual History form.


All applicants will submit a statement of funding, and verification of the funding source(s). As part of investigation under OAR 845-005-0311 (True Name on Application; Interest in Business), Commission staff may require any applicant to submit additional financial information, including, but not limited to, a financial statement and documentation of the origination of funds.


Any applicant that is a registered entity, and any registered entity that has a ten percent or greater ownership interest in an applicant-registered entity, must complete a questionnaire that lists, as appropriate, the officers, directors, shareholders, general and limited partners, or members of the entity. If a corporation has more than twenty shareholders or a limited partnership has more than twenty limited partners, only those with a ten percent or greater investment interest need be listed.


The Commission requires applicants to submit Individual History forms from managers when the applicant is inexperienced or new to the industry, or when the applicant will not personally manage the premises, or when the applicant’s premises has a history of problems or is located in a problem area. For purposes of this rule a manager is an individual who has the authority to act on behalf of the applicant when the applicant is not on the premises.


The Commission’s Administrator or the License Process Director may waive the requirements of this rule to take account of unusual or extraordinary circumstances. These circumstances may include the following:


Previous licensing by the Commission of the applicant;


General reputation of the applicant;


Information from other state or federal regulatory agencies that the Commission could use in lieu of the information this rule requires.


ORS 471.757 (Statement of financial interest in business of licensee) allows the Commission to deny, cancel or suspend a license if an unlicensable person has any financial interest in the business or place of business. The Commission may require a personal history or fingerprints from any person who has a financial interest in the licensed business to help determine if this person is licensable.


Nothing in this rule prevents the Commission from requiring additional information or information from other persons where there is reason to believe that this information may help the Commission determine the merits of a license application or to otherwise perform its statutory duties.
[ED. NOTE: Forms referenced are available from the agency.]

Source: Rule 845-005-0312 — Forms Required for License Applications, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=845-005-0312.

Purpose and Interpretation
Regular License
Alcohol Impact Areas
Local Government Recommendations: Requirements for Local Governments and License Applicants
Procedures for Public Notice of License Applications
Valid Bases for Adverse Local Government Recommendations
True Name on Application
Forms Required for License Applications
Refusal to Accept an Application
Applications: Refusal to Process
License Refusal Reasons that Can Not Be Overcome
Additional License Refusal Reasons for a Full On-Premises Sales License for a Nonprofit Private Club
Additional License Refusal Reasons for a Full On-Premises Sales License for a For-Profit Private Club
License Refusal Reasons: Applicant Qualifications
License Not Demanded by Public Interest or Convenience
Licensing Outdoor Areas Not Abutting a Licensed Building
Licensing Outdoor Areas Abutting a Licensed Building
Tour Boat License
Certificate of Authority Holder’s Sales Employees
Restricting License Privileges and Conduct of Operations
License Renewal: Requirements for Applicants
Change of Licensee
License Surrender
Liquor Liability Insurance or Bond Requirement
Full or Limited On-Premises Licensee Small-Scale Private Catering
Full or Limited On-Premises Licensee Large-Scale Private Catered Events and Temporary Use of an Annual License for Events at Another Location
Special Events Brewery License
Special Events Distillery License
Special Events Brewery-Public House License
Special Event Winery and Special Event Grower Sales Licenses
Delivery of Malt Beverage, Wine or Cider to Individuals — Definitions
Qualifications for Direct Delivery of Malt Beverages, Wine, or Cider to a Resident of Oregon
Guidelines for Approval of a For-Hire Carrier’s Plan for Delivery of Malt Beverages, Wine, Cider or Distilled Spirits
Qualifications for Wine Self-Distribution Permit for Wine and Cider
Qualifications for Retailer Endorsement to Receive Wine or Cider from the Holder of a Wine Self-Distribution Permit
Retail On-Premises Malt Beverage or Wine Sampling Involving Manufacturer or Certificate of Approval Holder
Retail On-Premises Distilled Spirits Sampling Involving Distillery Representative
Qualifications for Distilled Liquor Tastings Provided by Oregon Distillery Licensee
Temporary Sales Licenses
Temporary Authority
Standards for Authority to Operate a Licensed Business as a Trustee, a Receiver, a Personal Representative or a Secured Party
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 845-005-0312’s source at or​.us