OAR 847-010-0051
Limited License, Postgraduate


This limited license applies to interns (PG1) and residents as defined in ORS 677.010 (Definitions for chapter). This limited license permits the physician to practice medicine only as part of a supervised postgraduate training program of a school of medicine or hospital approved by the Board.


The Limited License, Postgraduate shall be granted for a period of thirteen months, which allows the postgraduate the flexibility of using up to four weeks of time either before or after the start or end of twelve months of postgraduate training. The majority of the Limited License, Postgraduates are requested for the training year of late June one year to early July of the following year. When needed, the additional four weeks (thirteenth month) of training or adjustment of training dates will be used in earlier June or later July. A smaller number of Limited License, Postgraduates are requested for dates that are considered “off-cycle.” The Limited License, Postgraduate may be renewed for each additional year of training. The physician must submit a limited license form and fee 30 days before the end of the thirteen months to be granted a new limited license.

Source: Rule 847-010-0051 — Limited License, Postgraduate, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=847-010-0051.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 847-010-0051’s source at