OAR 847-010-0066
Visiting Physician Approval


The Board recognizes that physicians with a particular specialty, skill or interest are occasionally needed to fill a narrow teaching, clinical or legal role for a brief period of time upon short notice. In fulfillment of the Board’s mission to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of Oregon patients while promoting access to quality care, the Board may approve visiting physicians. This approval allows an out-of-state physician to practice medicine in Oregon for a limited time within a narrowly defined purpose under the supervision of an actively licensed Oregon physician in good standing. An approved visiting physician is subject to all the provisions of ORS Chapter 677 (Regulation of Medicine, Podiatry and Acupuncture) and to all rules of the Board. An approved visiting physician has the same duties and responsibilities and is subject to the same penalties and sanctions as any other Oregon physician.


A physician may apply for visiting physician approval to practice medicine in Oregon for one of the following limited purposes:


To obtain or provide training unrelated to enrollment in a postgraduate training program for a period up to 30 days per year in a hospital, ambulatory surgical center or accredited office-based surgery facility per OAR 847-017-0010; or


To provide health care services without compensation at a community nonprofit organization for a period up to five consecutive days per year; or


To review medical records, perform physical or mental examinations and offer an opinion on a person’s diagnosis or treatment as an expert witness in an Oregon civil or criminal case for a period up to 30 days per year.
A visiting physician approved under this subsection must report any clinical or secondary findings to the patient’s primary care provider or specialist.
A visiting physician approved under this subsection may not prescribe, administer or dispense medications and may not order laboratory or imaging studies.


To qualify for visiting physician approval, a physician must:


Be currently licensed in good standing in another state or country in which they are actively practicing medicine;


Have an actively licensed Oregon physician in good standing without disciplinary action who will supervise the visiting physician’s practice of medicine in Oregon; and


Be asked to practice medicine in Oregon for one of the limited purposes provided in section (2) of this rule.


To apply for visiting physician approval, the physician must:


Submit an application at least two weeks before the requested date for starting practice in Oregon, and


Ensure that the following documents are sent directly from the source to the Board:
Documentation that the applicant’s medical license is current and in good standing in the state or country where the physician is actively practicing medicine; and
A letter from the requesting hospital administrator or administrator of the accredited facility and a letter from the hospital chief of staff, hospital department chairperson or member of the governing body of the accredited facility; or a letter from the community nonprofit organization; or a letter from the Oregon licensed physician supervising the visiting physician. The letter(s) must contain the following information:


Dates of Oregon practice of the visiting physician;


Description of the medical services;


Name of the responsible Oregon-licensed physician who will supervise; and


If the visiting physician application is requested under section (1)(a) of this rule, documentation that the requesting hospital, ambulatory surgical center or accredited facility has approved privileges for the visiting physician.


Approved visiting physicians shall not hold themselves out or allow another person to represent the visiting physician as an Oregon licensed physician. Visiting physicians shall inform patients and/or all parties involved in the criminal or civil case that the physician is an approved visiting physician, who is not an Oregon licensed physician.


The visiting physician who requests additional time or who requests to practice beyond the limitations of this rule in Oregon must apply for and obtain a license to practice in the State of Oregon.

Source: Rule 847-010-0066 — Visiting Physician Approval, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 847-010-0066’s source at