OAR 847-010-0056
Limited License, Fellow


Any physician who proposes to do a fellowship in Oregon and who does not wish to register under OAR 847-020-0120 (Basic Requirements for Licensure of an Approved Medical School Graduate) or 847-020-0130 (Basic Requirements for Licensure of an International Medical School Graduate) may apply for a Limited License, Fellow. A fellow is a physician who is pursuing some special line of study as part of a supervised program of an approved school of medicine or affiliated teaching institution. A Limited License, Fellow permits the physician to practice medicine only as part of a supervised fellowship program.


A Limited License, Fellow shall be granted for a period of one year, and upon written request from the head of the training program submitted 30 days before the end of the first year, may be renewed for only one additional year. The two years must be consecutive.


A request for a Limited License, Fellow must be accompanied by a copy of the appointment letter or contract, and a letter sent directly from the head of the training program advising that the applicant has been offered a fellowship position and the dates of the program.


Every physician who is issued a Limited License, Fellow to practice in this state shall complete a limited license application form and pay the limited license fee as of the beginning of his appointment, and 30 days before the end of the first year must submit a new limited license application form and fee for the second year.


Fellowships approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) may be used to qualify for a license under OAR 847-020-0120 (Basic Requirements for Licensure of an Approved Medical School Graduate) or 847-020-0130 (Basic Requirements for Licensure of an International Medical School Graduate). Non-approved fellowships may not be used toward licensure.

Source: Rule 847-010-0056 — Limited License, Fellow, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=847-010-0056.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 847-010-0056’s source at