OAR 847-010-0068
Practice in Oregon in the Event of an Emergency

(1) In the event of an emergency declared by the Governor of Oregon, the Oregon Medical Board may allow physicians and/or physician assistants licensed in another state to provide medical care in Oregon under special provisions during the period of the declared emergency, subject to such limitations and conditions as the Governor may prescribe.
(a) The out-of-state physician and/or physician assistant must submit to the Board the following information:
(A) Verification of a permanent, current, and unrestricted license to practice in another state which is not the subject of a pending investigation by a hospital, a state medical board, or another state or federal agency; and
(B) Current federal or state photo identification, i.e., driver license or passport.
(b) The requirement for completing and submitting the information to the Board is waived if the out-of-state physician and/or physician assistant is a member of the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) under the Office of Emergency Preparedness, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and submits to the Board a copy of his/her NDMS photo identification.
(c) The physician and/or physician assistant must provide the Board documentation demonstrating a request to provide medical care from a hospital, clinic or private medical practice, public health organization, EMS agency, or federal medical facility, or has otherwise made arrangements to provide medical care in Oregon as the result of the declaration of an emergency.
(d) The out-of-state physician and/or physician assistant must not practice in Oregon under the special emergency provisions beyond the termination date of the emergency. Practice in Oregon beyond the termination date of the declared emergency requires licensure through the Oregon Medical Board.
(2) In the event of an emergency declared by the Governor of Oregon, the Oregon Medical Board may allow Emeritus and Locum Tenens physicians and/or physician assistants to provide medical care in Oregon under special provisions, subject to such limitations and conditions as the Governor may prescribe.
(a) Emeritus. Notwithstanding OAR 847-008-0030 (Emeritus Registration) and OAR 847-050-0046 (Active Status for Temporary, Rotating Assignments), Emeritus status licensees may receive compensation for services during the period of the declared state of emergency without completing the reactivation process.
(b) Locum Tenens. The period of a declared state of emergency will not count toward the practice period limits in OAR 847-008-0020 (Locum Tenens Registration).
(3) In the event of an emergency declared by the Governor of Oregon, the Oregon Medical Board may allow Administrative Medicine, Inactive, Lapsed, and Retired physicians and/or physician assistants to reactivate to Active status in Oregon under special provisions, subject to such limitations and conditions as the Governor may prescribe.
(a) To qualify, the physician and/or physician assistant must:
(A) Have had an active clinical practice within the past three years;
(B) No longer hold an active license to practice medicine in another state; and
(C) Have been in good standing at the time the Oregon license status became Administrative Medicine, Inactive, Lapsed, or Retired.
(b) Notwithstanding OAR 847-008-0025 (Inactive Registration), 847-008-0035 (Retired Status), 847-008-0037 (Administrative Medicine Registration), 847-008-0050 (Reinstatement or Reactivation of License Lapsed Due to Non-Renewal), 847-008-0055 (Reactivation Requirements), and 847-050-0043 (Inactive Registration and Re-Entry to Practice), to apply for reactivation, the physician and/or physician assistant with an Administrative Medicine, Inactive, Lapsed, or Retired status license must submit to the Board the following information:
(B) A current federal or state photo identification, i.e., driver license or passport; and
(C) Documentation demonstrating a request to provide medical care from a hospital, clinic or private medical practice, public health organization, EMS agency, or federal medical facility, or other arrangements to provide medical care in Oregon as the result of the declaration of an emergency.
(c) Prior to reactivating, the Board will query national disciplinary databank(s) and will conduct a criminal background check.
(d) The reactivation application fee is waived, but registration fees are required pursuant to OAR 847-005-0005 (Licensure Fees).
(e) Active status may be granted through the end of a year in which a state of emergency exists. The license may be returned to its previous status or to an inactive status prior to the license expiration date if the licensee is no longer providing medical care in response to the declared emergency.
(4) Any restrictions or requirements imposed against a licensee through an active Oregon Medical Board Order or Agreement remain in effect during the period of the declared emergency.


In the event of a Governor-declared emergency, and in connection with a licensee’s practice of medicine, Oregon Medical Board licensees must fully comply with the Governor’s Executive Orders and implementing guidance documents when the Orders or guidance documents in whole or in part address or affect the delivery of healthcare to Oregon patients.


During a declared emergency, unprofessional or dishonorable conduct includes failing to comply with any applicable provision of a Governor’s Executive Order or any provision of this rule, to include implementing guidance and rules issued by the Oregon Health Authority, and is subject to sanction pursuant to ORS 677.190 (Grounds for suspending, revoking or refusing to grant license, registration or certification)(1)(a), as defined by ORS 677.188 (Definitions for ORS 677.190)(4)(a), unprofessional or dishonorable conduct and ORS 677.190 (Grounds for suspending, revoking or refusing to grant license, registration or certification)(17).


No disciplinary action or penalty action shall be taken under this rule if the Executive Order alleged to have been violated is not in effect at the time of the alleged violation.

Source: Rule 847-010-0068 — Practice in Oregon in the Event of an Emergency, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 847-010-0068’s source at