OAR 847-015-0020
Maintenance of Controlled Substances Log — Ambulance and Medical Rescue Services Receiving Controlled Substances from Physicians

Any physician providing controlled substances for use by ambulance and medical rescue services must have a Drug Enforcement Administration registration for the address where the controlled substances and inventory log are stored. The inventory log at the registered address shall be maintained showing all controlled substances received, or dispensed to the emergency vehicle. The administration log shall also show for each controlled substance, the patient’s name and amount used, date, and by whom administered or dispensed, and may be maintained in the emergency vehicle. This log should be reviewed for accuracy on a monthly basis and be readily retrievable for inspection on request by the Board, the ambulance licensing authority as specified in ORS 682.015, or their authorized agents.

Source: Rule 847-015-0020 — Maintenance of Controlled Substances Log — Ambulance and Medical Rescue Services Receiving Controlled Substances from Physicians, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=847-015-0020.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 847-015-0020’s source at