OAR 847-015-0025
Dispensing, Distribution and Administration


Any actively licensed physician or podiatric physician who dispenses drugs must register with the Board as a dispensing physician before beginning to dispense drugs.


A physician must register with the Board as a dispensing physician before supervising a physician assistant or any other health care provider with dispensing privileges.


At the time of license registration renewal, all dispensing physicians must indicate their status as a dispensing physician on the registration renewal form.


Dispensing of drugs must be documented in the patient record. Documentation must include the name of the drug, the dose, the quantity dispensed, the directions for use and the name of the physician or physician assistant dispensing the drugs. The physician or physician assistant must verbally counsel the patient concerning any new medications and must provide written information on the directions for use.


Distribution of samples, without charge, is not dispensing under this rule. Distribution of samples must be documented in the patient record. Documentation must include the name of the drug, the dose, the quantity distributed and the directions for use. The physician or physician assistant must verbally counsel the patient concerning any new medications and must provide written information on the directions for use.


Administering drugs in the physician’s or podiatric physician’s office is not dispensing under this rule. Administration of drugs must be documented in the patient record. Documentation must include the name of the drug, the dose and the quantity administered.


Any physician or podiatric physician who dispenses drugs or who supervises a physician assistant with drug dispensing authority without first registering with the Board will be fined $195 and may be subject to further disciplinary action by the Board.

Source: Rule 847-015-0025 — Dispensing, Distribution and Administration, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=847-015-0025.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 847-015-0025’s source at