OAR 847-035-0001


“Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT or Advanced EMT)” means a person who is licensed by the Authority as an Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT).


“Agent” means a physician licensed under ORS 677.100 (Qualifications of applicant for license) to 677.228 (Automatic lapse of license for failure to pay registration fee or report change of location), actively registered and in good standing with the Board, a resident of or actively practicing in the area in which the emergency service is located, designated by the supervising physician to provide direction of the medical services of emergency medical services providers as specified in these rules.


“Authority” means the Public Health Division, Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems of the Oregon Health Authority.


“Board” means the Oregon Medical Board for the State of Oregon.


“Committee” means the EMS Advisory Committee to the Oregon Medical Board.


“Emergency Care” as defined in ORS 682.025 (Definitions)(4) means the performance of acts or procedures under emergency conditions in the observation, care and counsel of persons who are ill or injured or who have disabilities; in the administration of care or medications as prescribed by a licensed physician, insofar as any of these acts is based upon knowledge and application of the principles of biological, physical and social science as required by a completed course utilizing an approved curriculum in prehospital emergency care. However, “emergency care” does not include acts of medical diagnosis or prescription of therapeutic or corrective measures.


“Emergency Medical Responder” means a person who is licensed by the Authority as an Emergency Medical Responder.


“Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)” means a person who is licensed by the Authority as an EMT.


“Emergency Medical Technician-Intermediate (EMT-Intermediate)” means a person who is licensed by the Authority as an EMT-Intermediate.


“In Good Standing” means a person who is currently licensed, who does not have any restrictions placed on his/her license, and who is not on probation with the licensing agency for any reason.


“Nonemergency care” as defined in ORS 682.025 (Definitions)(8) means the performance of acts or procedures on a patient who is not expected to die, become permanently disabled or suffer permanent harm within the next 24 hours, including but not limited to observation, care and counsel of a patient and the administration of medications prescribed by a physician licensed under ORS Chapter 677 (Regulation of Medicine, Podiatry and Acupuncture), insofar as any of these acts are based upon knowledge and application of the principles of biological, physical and social science and are performed in accordance with scope of practice rules adopted by the Oregon Medical Board in the course of providing prehospital care.


“Paramedic” means a person who is licensed by the Authority as a Paramedic.


“Scope of Practice” means the maximum level of emergency and nonemergency care that an emergency medical services provider may provide as defined in OAR 847-035-0030 (Scope of Practice).


“Standing Orders” means the written detailed procedures for medical or trauma emergencies and nonemergency care to be performed by an emergency medical services provider issued by the supervising physician commensurate with the scope of practice and level of licensure of the emergency medical services provider.


“Supervising Physician” means a physician licensed under ORS 677.100 (Qualifications of applicant for license) to 677.228 (Automatic lapse of license for failure to pay registration fee or report change of location), actively registered and in good standing with the Board, approved by the Board, and who provides direction of, and is ultimately responsible for emergency and nonemergency care rendered by emergency medical services providers as specified in these rules. The supervising physician is also ultimately responsible for the agent designated by the supervising physician to provide direction of the medical services of the emergency medical services provider as specified in these rules.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 847-035-0001’s source at