OAR 847-035-0025


A supervising physician is responsible for the following:


Issuing, reviewing and maintaining standing orders within the scope of practice not to exceed the licensure level of the emergency medical services provider when applicable;


Explaining the standing orders to the emergency medical services provider, making sure they are understood and not exceeded;


Ascertaining that the emergency medical services provider is currently licensed and in good standing with the Division;


Providing regular review of the emergency medical services provider’s practice by:


Direct observation of prehospital emergency care performance by riding with the emergency medical service; and


Indirect observation using one or more of the following:
Prehospital emergency care report review;
Prehospital communications tapes review;
Immediate critiques following presentation of reports;
Demonstration of technical skills; and
Post-care patient or receiving physician interviews using questionnaire or direct interview techniques.


Providing or coordinating formal case reviews for emergency medical services providers by thoroughly discussing a case (whether one in which the emergency medical services provider has taken part or a textbook case) from the time the call was received until the patient was delivered to the hospital. The review should include discussing what the problem was, what actions were taken (right or wrong), what could have been done that was not, and what improvements could have been made; and


Providing or coordinating continuing education. Although the supervising physician is not required to teach all sessions, the supervising physician is responsible for assuring that the sessions are taught by a qualified person.


The supervising physician may delegate responsibility to his/her agent to provide any or all of the following:


Explanation of the standing orders to the emergency medical services provider, making sure they are understood, and not exceeded;


Assurance that the emergency medical services provider is currently licensed and in good standing with the Division;


Regular review of the emergency medical services provider’s practice by:


Direct observation of prehospital emergency care performance by riding with the emergency medical service; and


Indirect observation using one or more of the following:
Prehospital emergency care report review;
Prehospital communications tapes review;
Immediate critiques following presentation of reports;
Demonstration of technical skills; and
Post-care patient or receiving physician interviews using questionnaire or direct interview techniques.


Provide or coordinate continuing education. Although the supervising physician or agent is not required to teach all sessions, the supervising physician or agent is responsible for assuring that the sessions are taught by a qualified person.


Nothing in this rule may limit the number of emergency medical services providers that may be supervised by a supervising physician so long as the supervising physician can meet with the emergency medical services providers under his/her direction for a minimum of two hours each calendar year.


An emergency medical services provider may have more than one supervising physician as long as the emergency medical services provider has notified all of the supervising physicians involved, and the emergency medical services provider is functioning under one supervising physician at a time.


The supervising physician must report in writing to the Authority’s Chief Investigator any action or behavior on the part of the emergency medical services provider that could be cause for disciplinary action under ORS 682.220 (Denial, suspension or revocation of license) or 682.224 (Discipline).

Source: Rule 847-035-0025 — Supervision, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 847-035-0025’s source at