Definitions 847‑035‑0011
EMS Advisory Committee 847‑035‑0012
Duties of the Committee 847‑035‑0020
Application and Qualifications for a Supervising Physician and Agent 847‑035‑0025
Supervision 847‑035‑0030
Scope of Practice 847‑035‑0032
Emergency Medical Services Providers in the Event of an Emergency
Definitions 847‑035‑0011
EMS Advisory Committee 847‑035‑0012
Duties of the Committee 847‑035‑0020
Application and Qualifications for a Supervising Physician and Agent 847‑035‑0025
Supervision 847‑035‑0030
Scope of Practice 847‑035‑0032
Emergency Medical Services Providers in the Event of an Emergency