OAR 847-035-0020
Application and Qualifications for a Supervising Physician and Agent


The Board has delegated to the Authority the following:


Designing the supervising physician and agent application;


Approving a supervising physician or agent; and


Investigating and disciplining any emergency medical services provider who violates their scope of practice.


The Authority must provide copies of any supervising physician or agent applications and any emergency medical services provider disciplinary action reports to the Board upon request.


The Authority must immediately notify the Board when questions arise regarding the qualifications or responsibilities of the supervising physician or agent of the supervising physician.


A supervising physician and agent must meet the following qualifications:


Be a physician licensed under ORS 677.100 (Qualifications of applicant for license) to 677.228 (Automatic lapse of license for failure to pay registration fee or report change of location), actively registered and in good standing with the Board;


Be in current practice;


Be a resident of or actively practicing in the area in which the emergency service is located;


Possess thorough knowledge of skills assigned by standing order to emergency medical services providers; and


Possess thorough knowledge of laws and rules of the State of Oregon pertaining to emergency medical services providers; and


Have completed or obtained one of the following no later than one calendar year after beginning the position as a supervising physician:


Thirty-six months of experience as an EMS Medical Director;


Completion of the one-day National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP®) Medical Direction Overview Course, or an equivalent course as approved by the Authority;


Completion of the three-day National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP®) National EMS Medical Directors Course and Practicum®, or an equivalent course as approved by the Authority;


Completion of an ACGME-approved Fellowship in EMS; or


Subspecialty board certification in EMS.


A supervising physician must meet ongoing education standards by completing or obtaining one of the following every two calendar years:


Attendance at one Oregon Health Authority EMS supervising physician’s forum;


Participation in maintenance of certification in the subspecialty of EMS.

Source: Rule 847-035-0020 — Application and Qualifications for a Supervising Physician and Agent, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 847-035-0020’s source at