OAR 918-001-0025
Division Representation by Authorized Officer or Employee at Contested Case Hearings


An employee of the Building Codes Division authorized by the Administrator may appear on behalf of the division, pursuant to ORS 183.452 (Representation of agencies at contested case hearings), at the following types of contested case hearings:


Civil penalty hearings;


Hearings held on appeals made to the division under ORS 479.853 (Appeal procedure) by persons aggrieved by a decision made upon inspection authority under ORS 455.148 (Comprehensive municipal building inspection programs) to 455.150 (Selective municipal building inspection programs) or 479.510 (Short title) to 479.860 (Persons authorized to design, plan and lay out electrical installations) of an electrical product or electrical installation;


License and certification denial hearings under ORS 455.117 (Adoption of rules governing licensing, certification or registration) and the rules adopted thereunder, and ORS 455.125 (Denial, suspension, conditioning or revocation of license, certificate, registration or other authorization) and 455.129 (Additional grounds for denial, suspension, conditioning or revocation of license, certificate, registration or application); and


License discipline hearings under ORS 455.125 (Denial, suspension, conditioning or revocation of license, certificate, registration or other authorization) or 455.129 (Additional grounds for denial, suspension, conditioning or revocation of license, certificate, registration or application), for cases involving conditioning of a license or certification, or suspensions of up to one year.


In all other contested case hearings officers or employees of the division may appear on behalf of the division only if prior written consent is obtained from the Attorney General or Deputy Attorney General.


The administrative law judge shall not allow a division representative appearing under section (1) or (2) of this rule to present legal argument as defined in this rule.


“Legal Argument” includes arguments on:


The jurisdiction of the division to hear the contested case;


The constitutionality of a statute or rule or the application of a constitutional requirement to a division;


The application of court precedent to the facts of the particular contested case proceeding.


“Legal Argument” does not include presentation of motions, evidence, examination and cross-examination of witnesses or presentation of factual arguments or arguments on:


The application of the statutes or rules to the facts in the contested case;


Comparison of prior actions of the division in handling similar situations;


The literal meaning of the statutes or rules directly applicable to the issues in the contested case;


The admissibility of evidence; and


The correctness of procedures being followed in the contested case hearing.


If the administrative law judge determines that statements or objections made by the division representative appearing under section (1) or (2) involve legal argument as defined in this rule, the administrative law judge shall provide reasonable opportunity for the division representative to consult the Attorney General and permit the Attorney General to present argument at the hearing or to file written legal argument within a reasonable time after conclusion of the hearing.

Source: Rule 918-001-0025 — Division Representation by Authorized Officer or Employee at Contested Case Hearings, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 918-001-0025’s source at