OAR 918-001-0031
Extension of Time Limits Created in Administrative Rules


The Building Codes Division may extend specified time requirements stated in ORS Chapter 183 (Administrative Procedures Act) if the person seeking the extension shows good cause for failing to meet the time requirement stated by the applicable rule. A request for an extension of any time requirement must be submitted in writing within a reasonable time.


Definitions. For the purposes of subsection (1) of this rule:


“Good cause” exists when the person seeking the extension establishes by satisfactory evidence that the cause of the failure to meet the time requirement stated by the applicable rule was beyond his or her reasonable control.


“Reasonable time” means that the person acted promptly in filing the request for extension after the cessation of the circumstances that prevented him or her from meeting the time requirement stated by the applicable rule.

Source: Rule 918-001-0031 — Extension of Time Limits Created in Administrative Rules, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 918-001-0031’s source at