OAR 918-001-0210
Division Mailing Lists

This rule governs procedures for placement on the various mailing lists maintained by the division and boards. The procedures in this rule are created under ORS 183.335 (Notice)(8) and the general rulemaking authority of the director in 455.030 (Rulemaking) and 455.100 (Duties of director).


Creation of Interested Parties Mailing Lists for Board Activities. Mailing lists are created for interested people and organizations who want to receive notices and agendas of board meetings for the following:


Electrical and Elevator Board;


Building Codes Structures Board;


Residential and Manufactured Structures Board;


State Plumbing Board;


Board of Boiler Rules;


Mechanical Board; and


Construction Industry Energy Board.


Creation of Interested Parties Mailing Lists for Rulemaking. Mailing lists are created for interested people and organizations wanting to receive notices of the division’s rulemaking activities. The mailing lists are divided into the following program areas:


Electrical List. This list covers rulemaking activities of the Electrical and Elevator Board and Construction Industry Energy Board, where applicable, relating to electrical matters, including the Electrical Safety Law, the Oregon Electrical Specialty Code, and the electrical provisions of the Oregon Residential Specialty Code.


Building officials and members of the boards are automatically on this list.


All municipalities with authority to administer the building code are served notice when the rulemaking involves the adoption or amendment of the code.


Interested parties requesting placement on this list per section (3) of this rule will also be served notice.


Elevator List. This list covers the rulemaking activities of the Electrical and Elevator Board relating to elevators and the Oregon Elevator Specialty Code.


Building officials and members of the board are automatically on this list.


All municipalities with authority to administer the building code are served notice when the rulemaking involves the adoption or amendment of the code.


Interested parties requesting placement on this list per section (3) of this rule will also be served notice.


Commercial Structures List. This list covers rulemaking activities of the Building Codes Structures Board and the Construction Industry Energy Board, where applicable, relating to commercial structures and the Oregon Structural Specialty Code.


Building officials and members of the boards are automatically on this list.


All municipalities with authority to administer the building code are served notice when the rulemaking involves the adoption or amendment of the code.


Interested parties requesting placement on this list per section (3) of this rule will also be served notice.


Mechanical List. This list covers the rulemaking activities of the Mechanical Board relating to mechanical matters and the Oregon Mechanical Specialty Code.


Building officials and members of the board are automatically on this list.


All municipalities with authority to administer the building code are served notice when rulemaking involves the adoption or amendment of the code.


Interested parties requesting placement on this list per section (3) of this rule will also be served notice.


Residential Structures List. This list covers rulemaking activities of the Residential and Manufactured Structures Board and the Construction Industry Energy Board, where applicable, relating to residential structures and the Oregon Residential Specialty Code.


Building officials and members of the boards are automatically on this list.


All municipalities with authority to administer the building code are served notice when rulemaking involves the adoption or amendment of the code.


Everyone entitled to notice on the electrical and plumbing lists are also served notice when Oregon Residential Specialty Code rules are involved.


Interested parties requesting placement on this list per section (3) of this rule will also be served notice.


Manufactured Structures and Parks List. This list covers the rulemaking activities of the Residential and Manufactured Structures Board and the Construction Industry Energy Board, where applicable, relating to manufactured dwellings, manufactured dwelling parks, recreation parks, organizational camps, and picnic parks.


Building officials and members of the boards are automatically on this list.


All municipalities with authority to administer the building code are served notice when the rulemaking involves the adoption or amendment of the code.


Interested parties requesting placement on this list per section (3) of this rule will also be served notice.


Plumbing List. This list covers rulemaking activities of the State Plumbing Board relating to plumbing activities, including the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code and the plumbing provisions of the Oregon Residential Specialty Code.


Building officials and members of the board are automatically on this list.


All municipalities with authority to administer the building code are served notice when the rulemaking involves the adoption or amendment of the code.


Interested parties requesting placement on this list per section (3) of this rule will also be served notice.


Boiler List. This list covers rulemaking activities of the Board of Boiler Rules relating to boiler and pressure vessel activities and the Oregon Boiler and Pressure Vessel Specialty Code.


Building officials and members of the board are automatically on this list;


All municipalities with authority to administer the building code are served notice when the rulemaking involves the adoption or amendment of the code.


Interested parties requesting placement on this list per section (3) of this rule will also be served notice.
Amusement Ride and Device List. This list includes amusement device and ride owners and amusement parks.


All municipalities with authority to administer the building code are served notice when rulemaking involves the adoption or amendment of the code.


Interested parties requesting placement on this list per section (3) of this rule will also be served notice.


General Rulemaking List. This list covers the rulemaking activities of the division that are not specific to a code or program.


Building officials are automatically on this list.


All municipalities with authority to administer the building code are also on this list.


Interested parties requesting placement on this list per section (3) of this rule will also be served notice.


Illegal Drug Manufacturing Site List. Interested parties referenced in OAR chapter 918, division 10 are automatically on this list.


Mailing List Subscription. The division will add a person or organization to its interested parties mailing lists if the person or organization:


Subscribes to the division’s online e-mail notification system through the division’s Web site at www.bcd.oregon.gov; or


Requests in writing to receive notification materials by mail. The request must include the full name of the person or organization, a mailing address, and must indicate the board or rulemaking program mailing list the interested party would like to subscribe to.


The division will send notices to those on the e-mail notification list described in (3)(a) of this rule and mail paper copies to those on the hard-copy notification list described in (3)(b) of this rule. These notification materials are also available on the division’s Web site.
[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

Source: Rule 918-001-0210 — Division Mailing Lists, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 918-001-0210’s source at