OAR 918-001-0036
Guidelines for Civil Penalties


Scope and Authority. This rule sets guidelines for assessing a civil penalty under ORS 446.995 (Civil penalties for violation of ORS 446.661 to 446.756 or related rules) & 455.895 (Civil penalties).


Definitions. For the purposes of this rule:


“Continuing offense” or “continuing violation” means violation of a code, rule or law on one or more additional days after having been notified of the violation or ordered to correct the act, or the failure to act. A continuing violation is subject to a civil penalty each day the violation continues after notification.


A “directive” includes, but is not limited to, a notice or warning, citation, order, consent decree or settlement agreement, rule, law, code requirement, or agency interpretation.


“Pattern of violation” means two or more prior violations during a five-year period of any provision of ORS Chapter 446 (Manufactured Dwellings and Structures), 447, 455, 460, 479, 480, or 693, or the state building code as defined in 455.010 (Definitions for ORS chapter 455), whether or not a penalty was assessed. A pattern of violation is calculated within a five-year period from the date of the latest violation.


A licensed person or contractor who performs an act resulting in an unsafe installation or a health and safety hazard, structural or financial damage, performs or allows another to perform work requiring a license without an appropriate license, violates a previous directive, or exhibits a pattern of violation may have their license, registration or certificate conditioned, suspended, or revoked.


Civil penalties may be assessed by a board, the Director, or a board’s designee acting as agent for a board. A board or the Director may take into account any appropriate factors, including previous directives, in determining the penalty amount or conditions within an order. The statutorily defined maximum penalty may only be assessed upon a finding of a pattern of violation.


Civil penalties may be assessed in addition to, or in lieu of, the conditioning, suspension, or revocation of a license, certificate of competency, or similar authority issued by the Director.


The Director may, subject to approval of a board, develop a penalty matrix for the board’s use to promote equity and uniformity in proposing the amount and terms of civil penalties and conditions under which the penalties may be modified based on the circumstances in individual cases.


If a dispute concerning the application of the state building code as defined in ORS 455.010 (Definitions for ORS chapter 455) is appealed to a local appeals board, to a board under 455.690 (Appeal to advisory boards) or to the program chief under 455.475 (Appeal of decision of building official):


A civil penalty that is being appealed may be stayed until after resolution of the appeal or interpretation. If corrections are necessary, a civil penalty may be stayed for 30 calendar days or the time frame established in the appeal or in the interpretation process.


An administrative appeal will not stay civil penalties when they were assessed for failure to obtain a permit unless the appeal involves determining whether a permit was necessary.


The person seeking the appeal or interpretation has the obligation to notify the Director of the appeal for the purpose of granting a stay of the civil penalty.


Violations of ORS Chapters 446, 447, and 479 and 455.020 (Purpose)(2) and 455.610 (Low-Rise Residential Dwelling Code), wherein defects are noted by an inspector in an element of assembly or construction, shall not be considered a violation for the purposes of this section if the violation is corrected and an inspection request made in 20 calendar days unless extended in writing by the building official.


The Building Codes Division shall forward a copy of final orders to the Construction Contractors Board.

Source: Rule 918-001-0036 — Guidelines for Civil Penalties, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 918-001-0036’s source at