OAR 943-045-0310
Assessment for and Provision of Protective Services to the Adult

The community program shall ensure that appropriate and necessary protective services are provided to the adult to prevent further abuse or mistreatment and must be undertaken in a manner that is least intrusive to the adult and provide for the greatest degree of independence available within existing resources. Assessment for the provision of protective services may include:


Arranging for the immediate protection of the adult;


Contacting the adult to assess his or her ability to protect his or her own interest or give informed consent;


Determining the ability of the adult to understand the nature of the protective service and his or her willingness to accept services;


Coordinating evaluations to determine or verify the adult’s physical and mental status, if necessary;


Assisting in and arranging for appropriate services and alternative living arrangements;


Providing advocacy to assure the adult’s rights and entitlements are protected; and


Consulting with the community facility, program, or others as appropriate in developing recommendations or requirements to prevent further abuse or mistreatment.

Source: Rule 943-045-0310 — Assessment for and Provision of Protective Services to the Adult, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=943-045-0310.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 943-045-0310’s source at or​.us