OAR 943-120-0116
Web Portal Submitter


Any provider, CCO, or PHP activating their web portal access for web portal submission may be a web portal submitter. The provider will be referred to as the web portal submitter when functioning in that capacity, and shall be required to comply with these rules governing web portal submitters.


The authorized signer of the provider enrollment agreement shall be the individual who is responsible for the provider’s, CCO’s, or PHP’s DDE claims submission process.


If a provider, CCO, or PHP submits their own claims directly, the provider, CCO, or PHP will be referred to as the web portal submitter when functioning in that capacity and shall be required to comply with these rules.


If a provider, CCO, or PHP uses an agent or clinic to submit DDE claims using the Authority’s web portal, the agent or clinic will be referred to as the web portal submitter when functioning in that capacity and shall be required to comply with these rules.

Source: Rule 943-120-0116 — Web Portal Submitter, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 943-120-0116’s source at