OAR 943-120-0320
Provider Enrollment


In some Authority program areas, being an enrolled Authority provider is a condition of eligibility for an Authority contract for certain services or activities. Billing providers must be enrolled with the Authority as providers consistent with the provider enrollment processes set forth in OAR 410-120-0310 through 0350 and 410-120-1260 (Provider Enrollment). If reimbursement for covered services is made under a contract with the Authority, the provider must also meet the Authority’s contract requirements. Contract requirements are separate from the requirements of these rules. Enrollment as a provider with the Authority is not a promise that the enrolled provider shall receive any amount of work from the Authority, a CCO, PHP, or a county.


Provider enrollment establishes essential Authority provider participation requirements for becoming an enrolled Authority provider. The details of provider qualification requirements, client eligibility, covered services, how to obtain prior authorization or review, if required, documentation requirements, claims submission, and available electronic access instructions, and other instructions and requirements are contained in Authority program-specific rules in chapter 410 or contract.


Prior to enrollment, providers must:


Meet all program-specific or contract requirements identified in program-specific rules or contracts and the requirements set forth in these rules and OAR 410-120-1260 (Provider Enrollment);


Meet Authority contracting requirements, as specified by the Authority’s Office of Contracts and Procurement (OC&P);


Meet Authority and federal licensing and certification requirements for the type of service for which the provider is enrolling; and


Obtain a provider number from the Authority subject to OAR 410-120-1260 (Provider Enrollment).


A provider may request to conduct electronic transactions with the Authority by enrolling and completing the appropriate authorization forms pursuant to the electronic data transaction rules (OAR 943-120-0100 (Definitions) to 943-120-0200 (Authority System Administration)).
[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

Source: Rule 943-120-0320 — Provider Enrollment, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 943-120-0320’s source at