OAR 943-120-0190
Material Changes


Changes in Any Material Information — EDT Process. A trading partner must submit an updated TPA, application for authorization, or EDI registration form to the Authority within ten business days of any material change in information. A material change includes but is not limited to mailing or email address change, contract number or contract status (termination, expiration, extension), identification of authorized individuals of a trading partner or EDI submitter, the addition or deletion of authorized transactions, or any other change that may affect the accuracy of or authority for an EDI transaction. The Authority may act on data transmissions submitted by a trading partner and its EDI submitter based on information on file in the application for authorization and EDI registration forms until an updated form has been received and approved by the Authority. A trading partner’s signature or the signature of an authorized EDI submitter is required to ensure that an updated TPA, authorization, or EDI registration form is valid and authorized.


Changes in Any Material Information — Web Portal Access. Providers must submit an updated web portal registration form to the Authority within ten business days of any material changes in information. A material change includes but is not limited to mailing or email address change, contract number or contract status (termination, suspension, expiration), identification of web portal submitter contact information, or any other change that may affect the accuracy of or authority for a DDE transaction. The Authority is authorized to act on data transmissions submitted by a provider and its web portal submitter based on information on file in the web portal registration form until an updated form has been received and approved by the Authority. A provider’s signature or the signature of an authorized business representative is required to ensure that an updated web portal registration form is valid and authorized.


Failure to submit a timely updated form may impact the ability of a data transaction to be processed without errors. Failure to submit a signed, updated form may result in the rejection of a data transmission.

Source: Rule 943-120-0190 — Material Changes, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 943-120-0190’s source at