OAR 943-120-0310
Provider Requirements


All providers seeking reimbursement from the Authority, a PHP, CCO, or a county pursuant to a county agreement with the Authority for the provision of covered services or items to eligible recipients, must comply with:


These rules, OAR 943-120-0300 (Definitions) to 943-120-0350 (Payments and Overpayments): and


The applicable rules or contracts of the specific programs described below:


Programs administered by the Division of Medical Assistance Programs (Division) including the OHP medical assistance program and the CHIP program that reimburse providers for services or items provided to eligible recipients, subject to OAR chapter 410 divisions 120 and 141 and provider rules in chapter 410 applicable to the provider’s service category;


Programs administered by the Addictions and Mental Health Division (AMH) that reimburse providers for services or items provided to eligible AMH recipients (OAR chapters 309 and 415); or


Programs administered by Aging and People with Disabilities (APD) that reimburse providers for services or items provided to eligible APD recipients (OAR chapter 411).


Providers must submit visit data pursuant to program-specific rules or contract. Authority programs use visit data to monitor service delivery, planning, and quality improvement activities. Visit data is not a HIPAA transaction and is not a claim for reimbursement.
[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

Source: Rule 943-120-0310 — Provider Requirements, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 943-120-0310’s source at