OAR 137-047-0600
Offer Evaluation and Award


Contracting Agency Evaluation. The Contracting Agency shall evaluate Offers only as set forth in the Solicitation Document, pursuant to ORS 279B.055 (Competitive sealed bidding)(6)(a) and 279B.060 (Competitive sealed proposals)(6)(b), and in accordance with applicable law. The Contracting Agency shall not evaluate Offers using any other requirement or criterion.


Evaluation of Bids.


Nonresident Bidders. In determining the lowest Responsive Bid, the Contracting Agency shall apply the reciprocal preference set forth in ORS 279A.120 (Preference for Oregon goods and services)(2)(b) and OAR 137-046-0310 (Reciprocal Preferences) for Nonresident Bidders.


Public Printing. The Contracting Agency shall for the purpose of evaluating Bids apply the public printing preference set forth in ORS 282.210 (Performance within state of public printing, binding and stationery work).


Award When Bids are Identical. If the Contracting Agency determines that one or more Bids are identical under OAR 137-046-0300 (Preference for Oregon Goods and Services), the Contracting Agency shall Award a Contract in accordance with the procedures set forth in OAR 137-046-0300 (Preference for Oregon Goods and Services).


Evaluation of Proposals.


Award When Proposals are Identical. If the Contracting Agency determines that one or more Proposals are identical under OAR 137-046-0300 (Preference for Oregon Goods and Services), the Contracting Agency shall Award a Contract in accordance with the procedures set forth in OAR 137-046-0300 (Preference for Oregon Goods and Services).


Public Printing. The Contracting Agency shall for the purpose of evaluating Proposals apply the public printing preference set forth in ORS 282.210 (Performance within state of public printing, binding and stationery work).


Recycled Materials. When procuring Goods, the Contracting Agency shall give preference for recycled materials as set forth in ORS 279A.125 (Preference for recycled materials) and OAR 137-046-0320 (Preference for Recycled Materials).


Clarification of Bids or Proposals. After Opening, a Contracting Agency may conduct discussions with apparent Responsive Offerors for the purpose of clarification to assure full understanding of the Bids or Proposals. All Bids or Proposals, in the Contracting Agency’s sole discretion, needing clarification must be accorded such an opportunity. The Contracting Agency shall document clarification of any Bidder’s Bid in the Procurement file.




Bids. A Contracting Agency shall not negotiate with any Bidder. After Award of the Contract the Contracting Agency and Contractor may only modify the Contract in accordance with OAR 137-047-0800 (Amendments to Contracts and Price Agreements).


Requests for Proposals. A Contracting Agency may conduct discussions or negotiate with Proposers only in accordance with ORS 279B.060 (Competitive sealed proposals)(6)(b) and OAR 137-047-0261 (Multi-tiered and Multistep Proposals). After Award of the Contract, the Contracting Agency and Contractor may only modify the Contract in accordance with OAR 137-047-0800 (Amendments to Contracts and Price Agreements).




General. If Awarded, the Contracting Agency shall Award the Contract to the Responsible Bidder submitting the lowest, Responsive Bid or the Responsible Proposer submitting the most Advantageous, Responsive Proposal. The Contracting Agency may Award by item, groups of items or the entire Offer provided such Award is consistent with the Solicitation Document and in the public interest.


Multiple Items. An Invitation to Bid or Request for Proposals may call for pricing of multiple items of similar or related type with Award based on individual line item, group total of certain items, a “market basket” of items representative of the Contracting Agency’s expected purchases, or grand total of all items.


Multiple Awards — Bids.


Notwithstanding subsection (4)(a) of this rule, a Contracting Agency may Award multiple Contracts under an Invitation to Bid in accordance with the criteria set forth in the Invitation to Bid. Multiple Awards shall not be made if a single Award will meet the Contracting Agency’s needs, including but not limited to adequate availability, delivery, service, or product compatibility. A multiple Award may be made if Award to two or more Bidders of similar Goods or Services is necessary for adequate availability, delivery, service or product compatibility and skills. Multiple Awards may not be made for the purpose of dividing the Procurement into multiple solicitations, or to allow for user preference unrelated to utility or economy. A notice to prospective Bidders that multiple Contracts may be Awarded for any Invitation to Bid shall not preclude the Contracting Agency from Awarding a single Contract for such Invitation to Bid.


If an Invitation to Bid permits the Award of multiple Contracts, the Contracting Agency shall specify in the Invitation to Bid the criteria it will use to choose from the multiple Contracts when purchasing Goods or Services.


Multiple Awards — Proposals.


Notwithstanding subsection 4(a) of this rule, a Contracting Agency may Award multiple Contracts under a Request for Proposals in accordance with the criteria set forth in the Request for Proposals. Multiple Awards shall not be made if a single Award will meet the Contracting Agency’s needs, including but not limited to adequate availability, delivery, service or product compatibility. A multiple Award may be made if Award to two or more Proposers of similar Goods or Services is necessary for adequate availability, delivery, service or product compatibility. Multiple Awards may not be made for the purpose of dividing the Procurement into multiple solicitations, or to allow for user preference unrelated to obtaining the most Advantageous Contract. A notice to prospective Proposers that multiple Contracts may be Awarded for any Request for Proposals shall not preclude the Contracting Agency from Awarding a single Contract for such Request for Proposals.


If a Request for Proposals permits the Award of multiple Contracts, the Contracting Agency shall specify in the Request for Proposals the criteria it will use to choose from the multiple Contracts when purchasing Goods or Services, which may include consideration and evaluation of the Contract terms and conditions agreed to by the Contractors.


Partial Awards. If after evaluation of Offers, the Contracting Agency determines that an acceptable Offer has been received for only parts of the requirements of the Solicitation Document:


The Contracting Agency may Award a Contract for the parts of the Solicitation Document for which acceptable Offers have been received; or


The Contracting Agency may reject all Offers and may issue a new Solicitation Document on the same or revised terms, conditions and Specifications.


All or none Offers. A Contracting Agency may Award all or none Offers if the evaluation shows an all or none Award to be the lowest cost for Bids or the most Advantageous for Proposals of those submitted.

Source: Rule 137-047-0600 — Offer Evaluation and Award, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=137-047-0600.

Source Selection
Competitive Sealed Bidding
Multistep Sealed Bidding
Competitive Sealed Proposals
Multi-tiered and Multistep Proposals
Small Procurements
Intermediate Procurements
Sole-source Procurements
Emergency Procurements
Special Procurements
Cooperative Procurements
Public Notice of Solicitation Documents
Bids or Proposals are Offers
Facsimile Bids and Proposals
Electronic Procurement
Offer Preparation
Offer Submission
Pre-Offer Conferences
Addenda to Solicitation Document
Pre-Closing Modification or Withdrawal of Offers
Receipt, Opening, and Recording of Offers
Late Offers, Late Withdrawals and Late Modifications
Time for Agency Acceptance
Extension of Time for Acceptance of Offer
Responsibility of Bidders and Proposers
Qualified Products Lists
Prequalification of Prospective Offerors
Personal Services Contract to Provide Specifications — State Agency Disqualification as Bidder or Proposer
Debarment of Prospective Offerors
Offer Evaluation and Award
Notice of Intent to Award
Documentation of Award
Availability of Award Decisions
Rejection of an Offer
Rejection of All Offers
Cancellation of Procurement or Solicitation
Disposition of Offers if Procurement or Solicitation Canceled
Protests and Judicial Review of Special Procurements
Protests and Judicial Review of Sole-Source Procurements
Protests and Judicial Review of Multi-Tiered and Multistep Solicitations
Protests and Judicial Review of Solicitations
Protests and Judicial Review of Contract Award
Protests and Judicial Review of Qualified Products List Decisions
Judicial Review of Other Violations
Review of Prequalification and Debarment Decisions
Amendments to Contracts and Price Agreements
Termination of Price Agreements
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 137-047-0600’s source at or​.us