OAR 257-010-0030
Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation Projects

Criminal offender information will be made available to qualified persons for research and evaluation related to criminal justice activity, or in exigent circumstances for temporary access, upon written application to the Superintendent of the Oregon State Police but authorization to utilize such information will be conditioned upon:


The execution of nondisclosure agreements by all participants in the program.


When such qualified persons acknowledge a fundamental commitment to respect individual privacy interests with the identification of subjects of such information divorced as fully as possible from the data received, and agree to comply with any additional requirements and conditions found necessary to assure the protection of personal privacy and system security interests.


When a specific agreement is executed between such qualified persons and the OSP, the agreement stating the scope of the project, the permissible dissemination of information for any purpose other than that for which it was obtained.


Where temporary access is authorized by the Superintendent of the OSP, he shall report the reasons for such temporary grant to the Governor. No temporary grant of access shall be valid for more than 30 days.


OSP will retain the right to monitor and audit any approved criminal justice research and evaluation project and to terminate access to CCH or criminal offender information if a violation of this rule is detected.

Source: Rule 257-010-0030 — Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation Projects, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 257-010-0030’s source at