OAR 257-010-0010
Scope of System


Rules adopted herein relate solely to the Oregon Criminal Offender Information System and the Identification Services Section as maintained by the Oregon State Police. The rules do not affect in any way other agencies’ original records of arrest, arrest logs, or reports of crimes available for inspection under terms of the Oregon Public Records Law (ORS 192.311 (Definitions for ORS 192.311 to 192.478) to 192.335 (Immunity from liability for disclosure of public record)).


Oregon Criminal Offender Information files contain information, contributed by Criminal Justice Agencies, on a person’s record of arrests, the nature and disposition of criminal charges, sentencing, confinement, and release, plus identifying data only relating to fingerprints of applicants submitted under Oregon Law. The fingerprints, photographs, records and reports compiled under ORS 137.225 (Order setting aside conviction or record of criminal charge), 166.291 (Issuance of concealed handgun license), 166.415, 181A.010 (Definitions for ORS 181A.010 to 181A.350), 181A.160 (Fingerprints, identifying data, disposition report required upon arrest), 181A.175 (Transmittal of disposition report), 181A.220 (Confidentiality of some records), 181A.230 (Establishment of procedures for access to criminal record information), 181A.875 (Licenses and certificates), and 806.060 (Methods of compliance) are confidential and exempt from public inspection except as provided in ORS 181A.220 (Confidentiality of some records). These files shall not contain information about the political, religious, or social views, associations, or activities of any individual, group, association, corporation, business, or partnership unless such information directly relates to an investigation of past or threatened criminal acts or activities and there are reasonable grounds to suspect the subject of the information is or may be involved in criminal acts or activities.


The Oregon CCH System is a computerization of essentially the same criminal offender, regulatory and applicant information, and is maintained by the OSP under provisions of Oregon Law. Computerization of the files is designed to provide faster access to criminal offender information for Oregon Criminal Justice and Designated Agencies.


The Oregon Firearm Instant Check System is a computerization of firearm and firearm purchaser information, and is maintained by the OSP under provisions of Oregon Law. The record of the information obtained by the OSP during a request for a criminal records check by a gun dealer is exempt from disclosure under public records law.

Source: Rule 257-010-0010 — Scope of System, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 257-010-0010’s source at