OAR 257-010-0055
Firearm Instant Check System


The Oregon Firearm Instant Check System is a computerization of firearm and firearm purchaser information, and is maintained by the OSP under provisions of Oregon Law. The purpose of the Firearm Instant Check System is to receive information from Oregon Gun Dealers and private citizens at gun shows or voluntarily from the public and determine if the person purchasing the firearm is disqualified under Oregon (ORS 166.470 (Limitations and conditions for sales of firearms)) and Federal Law from completing the purchase of a firearm and if the firearm being transferred is stolen.


The OSP may retain a record of the information obtained during a request for a criminal records check for no more than five years.


The record of the information obtained by the OSP during a request for a criminal records check by a gun dealer is exempt from disclosure under public records law.


Identification required of the purchaser shall include one piece of current identification bearing a photograph and date of birth of the purchaser that is issued under the authority of the United States government, a state, a political subdivision of a state, a foreign government, a political subdivision of a foreign government, an international governmental organization or an international quasi-governmental organization; and is intended to be used for identification of an individual or is commonly accepted for the purpose of identification of an individual.


If the identification presented by the purchaser under (4) of this rule does not include the current address of the purchaser, the purchaser shall present a second piece of current identification that contains the current address of the purchaser and corroborates the name on the first piece of identification. Examples of a second piece of identification that will be accepted are: current vehicle registration, current rent receipt and current utility bill.


The OSP may require that the gun dealer verify the identification of the purchaser if that identity is in question by sending the thumbprints of the purchaser to the OSP, Identification Services Section. The OSP shall publish the firearms transaction thumbprint form and shall furnish the form to gun dealers on application at cost.


The OSP may adopt a fee schedule for criminal history record checks and collect a fee for each criminal history record check requested. The fee schedule shall be calculated to recover the cost of performing criminal history record checks, but may not exceed $10 per record check.


The OSP may respond to a telephone request from any person requesting that the OSP determine if the firearm is stolen.


The Department of State Police shall develop a state form to be completed by a person seeking to obtain a firearm at a gun show from a transferor other than a gun dealer. The department shall consider including in the form all of the requirements for disclosure of information that are required by federal law for over-the-counter firearms transactions.


The department shall make the form available to the public at no cost.

Source: Rule 257-010-0055 — Firearm Instant Check System, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=257-010-0055.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 257-010-0055’s source at