OAR 257-010-0035
Access by Individuals for Purpose of Review and/or Challenge


All individuals desiring to review information concerning them maintained in the OSP Criminal Offender Information System or Firearm Instant Check System, or who believes that the information as maintained is inaccurate, incomplete, or maintained in violation of any state or federal statute or act, shall be entitled to review such information and obtain a copy thereof for the purpose of review, challenge or correction.


Verification of such individual’s identity may only be effected through submission, in writing, of name, date of birth, and a set of rolled ink fingerprints to the Oregon State Police, Identification Services Section, 3565 Trelstad Ave SE, Salem, OR 97317. The request for review may be made at the Oregon State Police, Identification Services Section, 3565 Trelstad Ave SE, Salem, OR 97317, or through mail or postal service. The OSP may prescribe reasonable hours and places of inspection. If the request is made by mail or postal service, after positive identification by the OSP of the fingerprints submitted, copy of the record, along with the fingerprints submitted for that purpose, will be returned to the individual making the request to the address provided in the request.


All data included in the Criminal Offender Information System is obtained from contributing Criminal Justice and Designated Agencies. All data included in the Firearm Instant Check System is obtained from contributing Oregon Gun Dealers as defined in 18 U.S.C. § 921. If after review of the information concerning them as maintained in such record, the individual believes that it is incomplete or incorrect in any respect and wishes changes, corrections, or updating of the alleged deficiency, they must make application directly to the contributor of the questioned information, requesting the appropriate agency or Gun Dealer to correct it in accordance with its respective administrative rules and procedures. Upon receipt of an official communication directly from the agency or Gun Dealer which contributed the original information, the OSP will make any changes necessary in accordance with the information supplied by the agency or Gun Dealer.


Any individual whose record is not removed, modified, or corrected as they may request, following refusal by the agency originally contributing such information, may proceed under the provisions of Rules 30.00 to 30.80 of the Attorney General’s Model Rules of Practice and Procedures under the Administrative Procedure Act, relating to contested cases and judicial review. After conclusion of such procedure or review, any information found to be inaccurate, incomplete, or improperly maintained, shall be removed from the individual’s record and the originating agency so notified with copy of the record as corrected being furnished to the challenging individual.


Any Criminal Justice or Designated Agency receiving a record after such notice of contested case has been filed and prior to final determination, shall be notified by the OSP that the record is being challenged.


All individuals desiring to obtain a police clearance or documentation of no record maintained in the OSP Criminal Offender Information System for purposes other than review, challenge or correction specified in (1) will be charged a fee of $33 for each request. Verification of the requesting individual’s identity shall only be effected through submission and positive identification of the person’s fingerprints.


All individuals desiring to obtain a set of their inked fingerprints for purposes other than review, challenge or correction specified in section (1) of this rule will be charged a fee of $20 for each fingerprint card provided, except as provided in ORS 181A.235 (Fee waiver).
[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

Source: Rule 257-010-0035 — Access by Individuals for Purpose of Review and/or Challenge, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 257-010-0035’s source at