OAR 257-050-0070
Application Requirements


Application for placement on the non-preference tow rotational list shall be made on the forms furnished by the Department and shall be accompanied by an inspection report. The inspection report shall be furnished by the Department, and shall be completed by the authorized agent or representative of a tow business. The application form shall establish or provide all of the following:


The tow business has an established place of business at the address shown.


The tow business’ place of business has an office area that is accessible to the public without entering the storage area and that the storage area complies with these Administrative Rules and all local zoning rules and regulations.


Each tow business is separately registered with the Secretary of State Corporate Division, with a separate place of business and a separate storage area. Only one tow business may be operated at any one place of business.


The authorized agent or representative of the tow business has inspected and certifies, under penalty of perjury, suspension, revocation and/or criminal prosecution that all of the information supplied in the application form and inspection form is true and accurate and that the tow business’ place of business and all tow truck equipment meet the minimum requirements established by these Administrative Rules.


The tow business has proof of the following current, minimum insurance coverage (Proof of required current insurance coverage shall be submitted with applications and inspection forms.).


$750,000, or the minimum required by the Federal Motor Carrier Regulations, or the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), which ever is greater when towing under authority of Federal Motor Carrier Regulations or ODOT, for liability, for bodily injury or property damage per occurrence;
Class A — $50,000;
Class B — $150,000;
Class C — $200,000;
Class D (Note: Class “D” equipment is not considered to be recovery tow vehicles):


Class D-A or Other Equipment under this classification — $50,000;


Class D-B or Other Equipment under this classification — $75,000;


Class D-C or Other Equipment under this classification — $200,000.


Insurance to protect against vehicle damage including, but not limited to fire and theft, from the time a vehicle comes into custody and control of the tow business and is hooked onto, throughout the recovery, and until that vehicle is reclaimed or sold.


Insurance for cargo transported in the amount of:
Class A — $50,000;
Class B — $100,000;
Class C — $200,000;
Class D-A — or Other Equipment under this classification — $50,000;
Class D-B — or Other Equipment under this classification — $100,000;
Class D-C — or Other Equipment under this classification — $200,000.


Nothing in this section will relieve a tow business or qualified tow business from maintaining insurance in the amounts and providing coverage of the type for motor carriers in ORS Chapter 825 (Motor Carriers) if the amounts exceed, or coverage is different from, that required by this section.


A certificate of insurance from the insurance carrier to the Department that includes the type and amounts of coverage and provides for notification of cancellation of the tow business’s insurance is mandatory.


The information for the letter of appointment may be included in the inspection form that is completed by the authorized agent or representative of the tow business.


The tow business or tow business owner has a minimum of three (3) years of documented experience in the towing industry, either as a tow business or a tow business owner or tow vehicle driver for a tow business.


The tow business has a dedicated recovery vehicle assigned to the tow zone applied for and capable of handling the classifications of tows requested in the application. A tow business may list a class B recovery vehicle to cover both class A and class B tows and a tow business may list a class C recovery vehicle to cover both class B and/or class A tows. If a larger recovery vehicle is listed by a tow business, that vehicle may only be listed for one tow zone for the smaller recovery tow classes it is used for, even if the larger tow vehicle tow zone overlaps with the other tow classification zones. Recovery Tow vehicles may only be listed for one tow zone. All tow vehicles approved must comply with these Administrative Rules for the classification of tow applied for. Only equipment approved through the letter of appointment to be used for the non-preference tow program for a specific tow zone can be used in that tow zone.
NOTE: A written waiver may be granted by the Oregon State Police based on local non-preference towing operational needs.


The names of all drivers authorized by a tow business to drive in the tow zone for which the tow business applied, and all employees of a tow business who will have contact with the towed/assisted vehicle(s) and/or the driver/owner of the towed/assisted vehicle(s) or other representative(s) of the towed/assisted vehicle(s) owner(s). The use of non-listed and/or unreported drivers by a qualified tow business shall not be permitted.


Within 30 days of the receipt of a request for an application for a letter of appointment, the Patrol Services Division of the Oregon State Police shall send an application packet, and include a current copy of these Administrative Rules and all forms related to the self certification, inspection and certification of equipment, and other related information required by these Administrative Rules.


The address the tow business lists on its application shall be the place of business where the tow business keeps its business records. The application also shall list all locations of vehicle storage areas and places for redemption of vehicles. If there is a change in address of the tow business, the authorized agent or representative of the tow business shall immediately notify the Patrol Services Division, and in no event will notification take longer than ten (10) days.


All tow trucks shall display the tow business’s name, city, and telephone number. This information shall be painted or permanently affixed to both sides of the vehicle and the lettering shall be at least 2 inches in height with 1\2 inch stroke and in a color that is in contrast with the tow truck’s color.


Any tow business in violation of this Administrative Rule may be denied a letter of appointment and shall be notified of the denial in writing. The Department may also deny a renewal application for any qualified tow business with an existing letter of appointment that is in violation of this Administrative Rule and may have its existing letter of appointment immediately suspended, prior to any hearing and shall be notified of the suspension in writing. A suspension under this rule will be in effect until the violation is corrected and inspected. Other sanctions, up to revocation and/or criminal prosecution, may be applied to a qualified tow business upon finding by the Department that the qualified tow business is in violation of this Administrative Rule.

Source: Rule 257-050-0070 — Application Requirements, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=257-050-0070.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 257-050-0070’s source at or​.us