OAR 257-050-0125


Self Certification/re-inspections will be conducted at least once a year by all qualified tow businesses. Unscheduled inspections of the qualified tow business may be conducted without notice by any Oregon State Police inspector to determine the fitness of tow trucks, facilities, and business records. These inspections shall be done during business hours.


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In the event of missing or defective tow truck equipment that is not safety related, but that was required for initial approval, the Oregon State Police shall advise the qualified tow business of the defect. If the qualified tow business fails or refuses to repair the defect within 15 days of the notice, the defective truck will be removed from the list of tow vehicles in the qualified tow business’s letter of appointment that are authorized for use in the Department’s non-preference tow rotation list for the duration of the letter of appointment without renewal, until after the last day of authorization of the letter of appointment and the defect is repaired.


In the event of a violation of these Administrative Rules by a qualified tow business relating to the qualified tow business’s facilities, records or other conditions, the Oregon State Police shall advise the qualified tow business of the violation. If the qualified tow business fails or refuses to fix the violation within 15 days of the notice, the qualified tow business’s letter of appointment will be suspended for its duration without renewal until after the last day of authorization of the letter of appointment and the violation is fixed.


A qualified tow business may avoid suspension under this section by voluntarily removing the involved tow or recovery vehicle from the list of tow vehicles in the qualified tow business’s letter of appointment that are authorized for use in the Oregon State Police’s non-preference tow list until such repairs or corrections are made or by correcting the violation relating to the qualified tow business’s facilities or records. Voluntary removal under this section shall be done by sending a letter to the Oregon State Police General Headquarters, Patrol Services Division, 4th Floor, 255 Capitol Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97310, advising the Oregon State Police of the qualified tow business’s voluntary removal of the vehicle from service on non-preference calls for the Oregon State Police. This voluntary removal of defective equipment letter shall be received by the Oregon State Police, Patrol Services Division no later than 15 days after the initial notification of the defect.


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A qualified tow business may avoid immediate suspension under this section by voluntarily removing the tow or recovery vehicle from the list of tow vehicles in the qualified tow business’s letter of appointment that are authorized for use in the Oregon State Police’s non-preference tow list until such repairs or corrections are made or by correcting the violation relating to the qualified tow business’s facilities or records. Voluntary removal under this section shall be done by sending a letter to the Oregon State Police General Headquarters, Patrol Services Division, 4th Floor, 255 Capitol Street NE, Salem, Oregon, 97310, advising of the qualified tow business’s voluntary removal of the vehicle from service or the business on non-preference calls for the Oregon State Police. This voluntary removal safety hazard letter shall be received by the Oregon State Police, Patrol Services Division no later than 30 days after the initial notification of the defect.


Upon repair or correction of a defect of a voluntarily removed tow truck or a defect related to a qualified tow business, an Oregon State Police inspector, upon written request from the affected qualified tow business, shall reinspect the equipment/facility which was found to be defective or missing. If the defects have been satisfactorily corrected, the inspector shall reinstate the tow truck to the list of tow vehicles in the qualified tow business’s letter of appointment that are authorized for use in the Department’s non-preference list and/or shall reinstate a qualified tow business’s letter of appointment. In the event an Oregon State Police inspector is not readily available to reinspect, another officer appointed by the inspector’s supervisor may reinspect and re-instate the tow truck or qualified tow business. The reinspection shall be completed as soon as possible after a written request from the qualified tow business has been received by the Patrol Services Division, advising that the defect has been repaired. In no event shall a reinspection take longer than ten (10) business days after the written request for inspection has been received by the Patrol Services Division.


Upon revocation, suspension, expiration or voluntary relinquishment of a letter of appointment, a qualified tow business’s right to conduct towing services at the request of the Department is terminated, unless the call for service is a preference tow made by the owner and/or driver of a vehicle.


Upon sale or transfer by the qualified tow business of a truck listed in the qualified tow business’s letter of appointment that is authorized for use in the Department’s non-preference tow rotation list, the qualified tow business shall advise the department so that the truck may be removed from the non-preference list. This notification must be made immediately and in no event may exceed ten (10) days after the sale or transfer.


Upon the purchase or acquisition of any additional tow truck(s) to be used pursuant to this rule, a qualified tow business shall immediately notify the Department. The qualified tow business shall make a self-certified inspection of the new unit and submit this inspection to the Department, prior to the tow truck being used for non-preference towing.

Source: Rule 257-050-0125 — Reinspection/Certification, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=257-050-0125.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 257-050-0125’s source at or​.us