OAR 291-205-0030
Victim Services Advisory Committee

(1) The Victim Services Advisory Committee will operate under the direction of the department’s designee.
(2) The Victim Services Advisory Committee will advise and assist the department’s designee with the recruitment, training, supervision and evaluation of Facilitated Dialogue Program facilitators; the development and the administration of the Facilitated Dialogue Program; the gathering of support and resources for the Facilitated Dialogue Program and the Responsibility Letter Bank Program; and other elements of the Victim Services Programs.
(3) The Victim Services Advisory Committee will also provide comment to the department’s designee regarding the department’s administrative rules governing the Facilitated Dialogue Program, the Responsibility Letter Bank Program.

Source: Rule 291-205-0030 — Victim Services Advisory Committee, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 291-205-0030’s source at