OAR 291-205-0060
Crime Victim or Survivor and their Support Persons Participation in a Facilitated Dialogue

(1) A crime victim or survivor who wishes to participate in the Facilitated Dialogue Program must:
(a) Act in “good faith” during the facilitated dialogue, this means that participants will be honest with and respectful of one another and the guidelines of the program. Participants will accept and follow the program facilitators’ direction over the course of the process.
(b) Refrain from engaging in inappropriate personal relationships that go beyond the focus area or the purpose and function of the facilitated dialogue with the participants or facilitators. Any conflict of interests with participants and program facilitators that may exist or develop over the course of the dialogue process will be reported the Victim Services Program Cordinator.
(2) The Facilitated Dialogue Program encourages, but does not require that a crime victim or survivor participating in a facilitated dialogue process choose a support person. All support persons chosen by the crime victim or survivor shall disclose to the program the nature of the support person’s relationship to the crime victim or survivor, and to the inmate, if any.
(3) Facilitated dialogues take place inside Department of Corrections facilities. Consequently, the crime victim or survivor and support person are and remain subject to all applicable department rules and facility procedures pertaining to the public and visitors in Department of Corrections facilities, while participating in a facilitated dialogue, including but not limited to Mail (Inmate) (OAR 291-131), Visiting (291-127), Facility Access (291-016), and these rules (OAR 291-205).

Source: Rule 291-205-0060 — Crime Victim or Survivor and their Support Persons Participation in a Facilitated Dialogue, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 291-205-0060’s source at