OAR 291-205-0070
Inmate and their Support Persons Participation in a Facilitated Dialogue

(1) An inmate who wishes to participate in a facilitated dialogue must:
(b) Acknowledge guilt and take responsibility for his or her crime, and be willing to respond to the crime victim’s or survivor’s needs to the satisfaction of the program staff and facilitators;
(c) Act in “good faith” during the facilitated dialogue and accept and follow the facilitators’ direction over the course of the facilitated dialogue; and
(d) Refrain from engaging in inappropriate personal relationships with the participants or facilitators of a facilitated dialogue.
(2) Facilitated dialogues take place inside the Department of Corrections facilities. Consequently, the inmates and support persons are and remain subject to all applicable department rules and facility procedures pertaining to the public and visitors in Department of Corrections facilities, while participating in the Facilitated Dialogue Program including but not limited to Mail (inmate) (OAR 291-137), Visiting (291-127), Facility Access (291-016), and these rules (OAR 291-205).
(3) If an inmate is found in violation of any official misconduct during a facilitated dialogue, the department’s designee, after consultation with the Victim Services Program Coordinator and the Victim Services Advisory Committee, may decide that the facilitated dialogue should be suspended for a time or terminated.
(4) An inmate’s participation in the Facilitated Dialogue Program will not affect the inmate’s sentence or status within the correctional facility.
(a) Participation in the Facilitated Dialogue Program will not be assigned or evaluated as part of the inmate’s Oregon Corrections Plan for purposes of the Performance Recognition and Awards System (OAR 291-077) or application of any earned time credits or extra good time credits (OAR 291-097).
(b) Inmates will not receive any benefit because of their participation in the Facilitated Dialogue Program other than any benefits that are inherent to their participation.
(5) The Facilitated Dialogue Program encourages, but does not require, that an inmate participating in a facilitated dialogue choose a support person. All support persons chosen by the inmate must be DOC staff or volunteers and will be required to disclose to the program the nature of the support person’s relationship to the inmate, if any.

Source: Rule 291-205-0070 — Inmate and their Support Persons Participation in a Facilitated Dialogue, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 291-205-0070’s source at