OAR 291-205-0210
Participation of Inmate in Responsibility Letter Bank Program

(1) An inmate who wishes to participate in the Responsibility Letter Bank Program must do so by submitting an inmate communication form or other written request to the Victim Services Program or by requesting to do so through their institution counselor or Chaplain.
(2) To participate, inmates must acknowledge guilt, take responsibility for the crime and be willing to express those sentiments in their responsibility letter.
(3) Sentence, Reward, or Status Gain from Participation:
(a) An inmate’s participation in the Responsibility Letter Bank program will not affect the inmate’s sentence or status within the correctional facility.
(b) Participation in the Responsibility Letter Bank Program will not be assigned or evaluated as part of the inmate’s Oregon Corrections Plan for purposes of the Performance Recognition and Awards System (OAR 291-077) or application of any earned time credits or extra good good time credits (OAR 291-097).
(c) Inmates will not receive any benefit because of their participation in the Responsibility Letter Bank Program other than any benefits that are inherent to their participation.
(4) Eligibility to participate in the Responsibility Letter Bank program is at the discretion of the program and may be denied due to, but not limited to:
(a) Misconducts involving the victim or survivor; and or,
(b) Current stalking order or restraining order involving the victim or survivor.
(5) When the Victim Services Program has determined that an inmate may participate in the Responsibility Letter Bank program, it will send the inmate a letter of acceptance, letter writing guidelines and an explanation of the process.
(6) Inmate responsibility letters shall be initially screened by the Victim Services Program Coordinator or designee and at least one Victim Services Advisory Committee member to determine appropriateness. If the letter is determined to be unacceptable, the inmate may be provided with feedback explaining why or offering suggestions about how to write an acceptable letter. Letters shall be no more than 10 pages unless the program coordinator makes an exception.
(7) A Letter may be deemed unacceptable if, but not limited to:
(a) The inmate fails to accept responsibility for the crime;
(b) Offers excuses or requests forgiveness;
(c) Contains inappropriate or sexual language or content;
(d) Threatens harm, violence or revenge;
(e) Blames the victim or anyone else for the crime; or
(f) Contains any other content that the Victim Services Program Coordinator or designee determines would be harmful or inconsistent with the goals of the Responsibility Letter Bank Program.
(8) Unacceptable letters will be returned to the inmate.
(9) The inmate may receive an explanation about why the letter was unacceptable and how to write an acceptable letter
(10) An inmate may withdraw their letter at any time before it has been sent to the crime victim or survivor. Upon request to withdraw, Victim Services shall return the letter to the inmate.
(11) If an inmate wishes to write a new letter after they have withdrawn a letter, the inmate must re-apply to the Responsibility Letter Bank Program.
(12) After a letter has been received and screened by Victim Services Programs, the responsibility letter shall be placed in a locked cabinet until the crime victim or survivor requests the letter.

Source: Rule 291-205-0210 — Participation of Inmate in Responsibility Letter Bank Program, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 291-205-0210’s source at