OAR 333-030-0070
Insect and Rodent Control

(1) The grounds, buildings and structures used or intended for human use and habitation must be kept clean and maintained to prevent access, harborage and infestation by insects, rodents and vermin.
(2) The camp health director, or other person knowledgeable in pest identification, must check the sleeping areas and other harborages for bedbugs whenever there are complaints or possible bites.
(3) All openings into the outer air of permanent kitchens and dining room must be effectively screened, unless other effective means are provided to prevent the entrance of insects or rodents. Where screens are used, there must be not less than 16 meshes per lineal inch, and all screen doors must be equipped with a self-closing device.
(4) Pesticides must be registered with the Environmental Protection Agency and the Oregon Department of Agriculture and be applied in accordance with the label directions and Oregon Department of Agriculture requirements.
(5) Pesticides and other hazardous materials must be properly labeled, in the original containers, and stored in secured and locked areas not accessible to campers separate from all food service, food storage and food preparation areas, sleeping areas and linens.

Source: Rule 333-030-0070 — Insect and Rodent Control, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=333-030-0070.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-030-0070’s source at