OAR 333-050-0030
Visitors, Part-Time Students, and Residents


Any child visiting or attending a school or facility on five or more different days in a given school year or residing on the premises of a school or facility regardless of whether the child attends classes or receives child care, at any age or grade through grade 12, shall be subject to the requirements of either a new enterer or transferring child as appropriate. Such residents and visitors for the purposes of these rules are in attendance.


Home-schooled, private, or special education students or students in other non-traditional educational settings are subject to these rules if they:


Meet with an instructor in a school building for any amount of time on a regular or irregular basis, but at least five times per school year; or


Participate in sports or other activities through a school-sponsored program at least five times per school year.


Students in residential, correctional, or treatment programs that receive educational instruction are subject to these rules.


For facilities providing drop-in child care, a child may attend on up to four different days without a Certificate of Immunization Status on file. Before allowing attendance on the fifth visit, a Certificate of Immunization Status must be provided showing at least one dose of each required vaccine or an appropriately signed exemption.

Source: Rule 333-050-0030 — Visitors, Part-Time Students, and Residents, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-050-0030’s source at