OAR 333-050-0080


The date of exclusion shall be the third Wednesday in February.


If additional exclusion cycles are conducted, the exclusion dates shall be set at no less than 14 calendar days from the date that the Exclusion Orders are mailed.


Exclusion occurs when records have not been received or updated by the starting time of the school or facility on the specified exclusion day.


The local health department shall use an Exclusion Order for Incomplete Immunization or Insufficient Information or an Exclusion Order for No Record depending upon the reason the child is found to be in non-compliance with ORS 433.267 (Immunization of school children)(1) and these rules:


At least 14 days before the exclusion day, the local health department shall mail by first class mail an appropriately completed and signed order of exclusion to the parent of each child determined to be out of compliance with these rules.


If a student is listed by the school as the “person responsible,” the Exclusion Order will be sent to the student.


In the event that the local health department has knowledge that the address of the parent provided on the Primary Review Summary form is incorrect, the local health department shall use all reasonable means to notify the parent, including inquiries to the school or facility administrator, to establish the appropriate mailing address and sending home from the school a copy of the Exclusion Order with the child.


For all orders issued, one copy of the Exclusion Order shall be sent to the administrator and the local health department shall retain one copy. The local health department shall also retain copies of the records of children to be excluded until notification from the school or facility that such children are in compliance, or for one year.


On the specified date of exclusion, the administrator shall exclude from school or facility attendance all children so ordered by the local health department until the requirements specified by the local health department are verified by the administrator in accordance with section (9) of this rule.


The local health department shall maintain copies of immunization records of children excluded and shall maintain contact with administrators regarding the status of such children.


If children whose records are not updated on the specified exclusion day arrive at their school or facility, the administrator shall make every effort to contact their parent by phone. The administrator shall place excluded children in a space away from the other children until their parent arrives to pick them up or until they are returned home by regular school district transportation.


If the excluded children do not meet the requirements specified by the local health department in accordance with section (9) of this rule and do not return to school within four school days, it is the responsibility of the public school administrator, as proper authority, to notify the attendance supervisor of the unexcused absence. The attendance supervisor is required to proceed as required in ORS 339.080 (Nonattendance notice to parents, school officials and parole or probation officer) and 339.090 (Determination of compliance).


Children who have been issued an Exclusion Order are not entitled to begin or continue in attendance in any school or facility in Oregon while the Exclusion Order is still in effect. Administrators who receive or are otherwise made aware of the records of a child from another school or facility containing an Exclusion Order that has not been cancelled shall notify the parent and immediately exclude the child until the requirements specified on the Exclusion Order are met and verified by the administrator.


Students in treatment facilities or court-mandated residential correctional facilities, including but not limited to Oregon Youth Authority closed custody sites, are not subject to exclusion. The administrator of such treatment or residential correctional facilities must comply with all other provisions of these rules, including submission of the required reports as specified by these rules. The administrator must ensure that students have complete or up-to-date immunization records, a medical or nonmedical exemption or immunity documentation for all vaccines required for the student’s grade.




For children excluded for insufficient information or incomplete immunizations, compliance will be achieved by submitting to the administrator one of the statements allowed in OAR 333-050-0040 (Statements (Records) Required)(1);


For children excluded for no record, compliance will be achieved by submitting to the administrator evidence of immunizations that includes at least one dose of each vaccine required for that grade or age, a medical or nonmedical exemption or immunity documentation.


When the administrator verifies that the required information has been provided or that an appropriate immunity documentation or medical or nonmedical exemption has been provided, the child shall be in compliance with ORS 433.267 (Immunization of school children)(1) and these rules and qualified for school or facility attendance.


Twelve calendar days after the mandatory exclusion date, the administrator shall ensure that:


The Primary Review Summary form returned from the local health department is updated by appropriately marking the current status of each child as specified (including children listed as having no record);


The mathematics on the Primary Review Summary form are accurate including the number of children in the full school or children’s facility, kindergarten and seventh grade with:


The specified number of doses of each vaccine or all the doses required for the child’s grade;


Nonmedical exemptions for each vaccine;


Nonmedical exemptions from each source, whether documentation from a health care practitioner or vaccine educational module;


Nonmedical exemptions;


Medical exemptions; and


No record.


A copy of the revised Primary Review Summary form is submitted to the local health department on that day. The administrator shall maintain a file copy of the updated Primary Review Summary form.


The local health department shall review the updated Primary Review Summary form for mathematical accuracy. Any errors should be corrected by contacting the affected school or facility.

Source: Rule 333-050-0080 — Exclusion, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-050-0080’s source at