OAR 410-136-3060
Insurance Requirements


Brokerages must obtain and maintain general and automobile liability coverage for personal injury and death in accordance with ORS 30.271 (Limitations on liability of state for personal injury and death), Limitations on Liability of State for Personal Injury and Death.


Brokerages must obtain and maintain general and automobile liability coverage for property damage and destruction in accordance with ORS 30.273 (Limitations on liability of public bodies for property damage or destruction), Limitations on Liability of Public Bodies for Property Damage or Destruction.


The liability coverage required by sections (1) and (2) of this rule shall include the State of Oregon, Oregon Health Authority and its divisions, officers, employees, and agents as additional insureds but only as related to the brokerages’ NEMT services.


In lieu of purchasing liability coverage under sections (1) and (2) of this rule, the Authority may authorize a brokerage to establish and maintain a Self-Insurance Reserve Fund. The following apply to requirements of the fund:


The Authority shall establish the fund at $1 million through the fixed rate for rides established in OAR 410-136-3200 (Reimbursement and Accounting for all Modes of Transports), Reimbursement and Accounting for all Modes of Transport;


The fund shall comply with OMB Circular 87;


If the brokerage subsequently terminates its enrollment with the state as a Medicaid provider, the brokerage shall refund the Authority the balance of any monies in the fund within two years from the termination of its enrollment or at the conclusion of any claim or litigation related to the brokerage’s NEMT services for eligible clients;


Once funded, the fund shall be maintained at an amount not less than $1 million through the fixed rate for rides established in OAR 410-136-3200 (Reimbursement and Accounting for all Modes of Transports), Reimbursement and Accounting for all Modes of Transport;


The Authority shall reconcile the fund amount during the annual cost settlement process pursuant to OAR 410-136-3200 (Reimbursement and Accounting for all Modes of Transports), Reimbursement and Accounting for all Modes of Transport, and shall increase or decrease the fixed rate for rides to maintain the $1 million fund amount; and


The brokerage shall maintain a separate account for the fund.


Brokerages and their subcontractors that employ workers as defined in ORS 656.027 (Who are subject workers) shall comply with 656.017 (Employer required to pay compensation and perform other duties) and shall provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage for those workers, unless they meet the requirement for an exemption under 656.126 (Coverage while temporarily in or out of state)(2). Brokerages shall require each of their subcontractors to comply with this requirement.


In lieu of purchasing workers’ compensation insurance coverage as required by section (5), a brokerage may self-insure for all of its subject workers. The Authority shall not fund this reserve and shall only reimburse the brokerage for costs of self-insurance in the event of a claim arising from the brokerage’s NEMT services to eligible clients.


Brokerages and their subcontractors shall furnish proof of liability coverage and insurance to the Authority upon request.

Source: Rule 410-136-3060 — Insurance Requirements, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=410-136-3060.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-136-3060’s source at