OAR 410-136-3140
Transports of Clients Changing Hospitals or Other Facilities


Brokerages shall arrange and pay for transporting an eligible client who has had a change in condition, noted in the client’s DHS care plan, resulting in a need for a new service setting with a lower or higher level of care. This includes clients who are changing levels of care between their community-based care settings or between institutional and community-based settings. The client’s DHS worker must request the ride.


Brokerages shall not arrange or pay for:


The transport or return of an inpatient client from an admitting hospital to another hospital (or facility) for diagnostic or other short-term services when the patient will return to the admitting hospital within the first 24-hours of admission. The subcontractor shall bill the admitting hospital directly for these transports;


The transport of a client receiving long-term care service in their home or residing in a long-term care facility for the sole purpose of shopping for another long-term care facility, even if the client is looking for a new facility to receive a lower or higher level of care;


The transport of a client moving from one type of facility to a facility of the same type, such as from an adult foster home to another adult foster home; and


The transport of a client who is relocating to another state, unless the transport is to receive an OHP covered medical service pursuant to OAR 410-136-3080 (Out-of-State Transportation), Out-of-State Transportation.

Source: Rule 410-136-3140 — Transports of Clients Changing Hospitals or Other Facilities, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-136-3140’s source at