OAR 410-136-3080
Out-of-State Transportation


“Out-of-state transportation” means transportation to or from any location outside Oregon, with the exception of contiguous areas up to 75 miles outside the Oregon border.


The brokerage shall arrange rides and pay for out-of-state transportation, as defined in section (1) of this rule, to and from an out-of-state OHP covered medical service when:


The brokerage confirms that the Authority, the Prepaid Health Plan (PHP) or CCO authorized the out-of-state OHP covered medical service per OAR 410-120-1180 (Medical Assistance Benefits: Out-of-State Services), Medical Assistance Benefits: Out-of-State Services; and


The client is eligible for transportation services per OAR 410-136-3020 (General Requirements for NEMT), General Requirements for NEMT.


Brokerages shall not arrange or pay for:


A client’s return from any foreign country to any location within the United States for the client to obtain medical care because the care is not available in the foreign country;


A client’s return to Oregon from another state when the client was not in the other state to obtain authorized medical services or treatments.

Source: Rule 410-136-3080 — Out-of-State Transportation, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-136-3080’s source at