OAR 410-136-3360
Discontinuation of Brokerage as Enrolled Provider


A brokerage may discontinue being an enrolled provider for NEMT services only with notice to the Authority. The following establishes the requirements for notice:


If the reason is for the brokerage’s convenience: The effective date must be at least 90 days after the brokerage sends written notice; and (ii) the effective date must be on the first calendar date of the month ;


The brokerage must provide 45 days advance written notice if the brokerage does not obtain funding, appropriations and other expenditure authorizations from its governing body, federal, state or other sources sufficient to permit the brokerage to satisfy its requirements pursuant to these rules (OAR 410-136-3000 (Responsibility for Providing Non-emergent Medical Transportation) through 410-136-3360 (Discontinuation of Brokerage as Enrolled Provider));


Immediately upon written notice if the Oregon Legislative Assembly, the federal government or a court interprets, modifies or changes Oregon statutes or federal laws, regulations or guidelines in such a way that the brokerage immediately has no authority to satisfy the requirements of these rules.


The Authority may discontinue allowing a brokerage to provide NEMT services as an enrolled provider only with notice to the brokerage. The following establishes the requirements for notice:


If the reason is for the Authority’s convenience:


The effective date must be at least 90 days after the Authority sends written notice; and


the effective date must be on the first calendar date of a month.


The Authority must provide 45 days advance written notice if the Authority does not obtain funding, appropriations and other expenditure authorizations from its governing body, federal, state or other sources sufficient to meet its payment obligations pursuant to OAR 410-136-3200 (Reimbursement and Accounting for all Modes of Transports), Reimbursement and Accounting for all Modes of Transportation.


Immediately upon written notice if the Oregon Legislative Assembly, the federal government or a court interprets, modifies or changes Oregon statutes or federal laws, regulations or guidelines in such a way that the Authority immediately has no authority to provide NEMT services pursuant to these rules.


Immediately upon written notice to the brokerage if the Oregon Legislative Assembly or Emergency Board reduces the Authority’s expenditure authorization, resulting in the following:


The Authority cannot meet its payment obligations pursuant to OAR 410-136-3200 (Reimbursement and Accounting for all Modes of Transports), Reimbursement and Accounting for all Modes of Transportation; and


The effective date for the reduction in expenditure authorization is less than 45 days from the date the Legislative Assembly or Emergency Board takes the action.


Immediately upon written notice to the brokerage if a law or regulation requires a brokerage to have any license or certificate, and the license or certificate is denied, revoked, suspended, not renewed or changed in such a way that brokerage no longer meets requirements to deliver NEMT services. The Authority may only exercise this right with respect to the particular service impacted by the loss of the licensure or certification.


Immediately upon written notice to the brokerage, if the Authority determines the brokerage any of its subcontractors have endangered or are endangering the health or safety of a client or others.

Source: Rule 410-136-3360 — Discontinuation of Brokerage as Enrolled Provider, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-136-3360’s source at