OAR 410-136-3220
Brokerage Reimbursements to Subcontractors


Brokerages shall reimburse their NEMT subcontractors for the most cost-effective route from point of origin to point of destination that most benefits the client’s condition.


Brokerages shall establish a base rate with its subcontractors. “Base rate” for all modes of transportation except ground and air ambulance means the rate the brokerage and its subcontractors agree on for each mode of transportation.


If a subcontractor uses an ambulance as a stretcher car or van, the brokerage shall reimburse the subcontractor using the base rate for stretcher cars or vans.


Notwithstanding section (3), brokerages shall pay ambulance subcontractors at the ambulance rate instead of the stretcher car or van rate when the transport exceeds two hours, necessitating a health care professional to care for the client during the ride.


Brokerages shall not reimburse their subcontractors for waiting for clients to get to the vehicle or for assisting clients to get in or out of a vehicle.


Brokerages may reimburse their subcontractors for waiting time:


In special situations, such as when the subcontractor has to wait for a client who is using the subcontractor’s gurney and cannot transfer to a gurney at a medical facility; or


Because of a medical issue during the ride, such as:


The client is nauseous or is vomiting after dialysis or chemotherapy; or


The client needs to stop to get prescription medication or medical supplies related to the medical service.


Brokerages shall reimburse their subcontractors at the base rate for ambulatory vehicles if the subcontractor provides a ride to an ambulatory client in a non-ambulatory vehicle.


Brokerages may authorize a subcontractor to transport a non-ambulatory client in an ambulatory vehicle if the vehicle can accommodate and transport the client and if allowed by local ordinance. The brokerage shall reimburse its subcontractor at the non-ambulatory vehicle rate.


The wheelchair base rate applies to the transport of a client with a reclining wheelchair; wheelchairs do not qualify as stretchers or gurneys.


The following applies to reimbursement for deceased clients:


If a client dies before the subcontractor arrives at the scene, the brokerage shall not reimburse its subcontractors; or


If a client dies after the transport begins but before reaching the destination, the brokerage’s payment is limited to the base rate for the mode of transportation and mileage. For ambulance transports, the payment also would include costs for an extra attendant, if applicable.


Brokerages may authorize shared-ride transports of two or more clients at the same time when the shared-ride transports are allowable under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).


Brokerages shall reimburse subcontractors:


At the full base rate for the first client and one-half the base rate for each additional client when all of these clients need the same mode of transportation, such as by wheelchair van; or


At the full base rate for the client with the need for the highest mode of transportation and one-half the base rate of the appropriate mode of transportation for each additional client. This applies when the additional client needs a less costly mode of transportation than the first client. For example, the first client needs an ambulance, but the additional client needs a less costly wheelchair van.


When transporting two or more clients at the same time, brokerages shall pay subcontractors only from the first pickup point to the final destination under the following circumstances:


The clients have a single pick up point but different destinations;


The clients have different pick up points but a single destination; or


The clients have different pick up points and different destinations.


Brokerages shall reimburse subcontractors only for actual miles traveled, regardless of the number of clients transported.


A brokerage shall not reimburse a subcontractor if:


A county or city ordinance prohibits any charging for services identified in the medical transportation services administrative rules; or


The subcontractor does not charge the public for such services.

Source: Rule 410-136-3220 — Brokerage Reimbursements to Subcontractors, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-136-3220’s source at