OAR 411-305-0225
Needs Assessment and Service Planning


The CDDP must provide or arrange for an annual child and family-centered planning process within 90 days of enrollment and annually thereafter as long as the child is enrolled in family support services. The initial annual meeting must be face-to-face. Follow-up contacts to complete the Annual Plan may be made by telephone or by other interactive methods if the child or their parent or legal representative agrees.


NEEDS ASSESSMENT. The CDDP must determine and document the support needs of a child and family using a Department approved form which may include the functional needs assessment, in addition to other person-centered planning tools.


ANNUAL PLAN. The CDDP, the child (as age appropriate), and the family must develop a written Annual Plan as a result of the annual planning process. The Annual Plan must be conducted on a Department approved form, which may include using an ISP in place of an Annual Plan.


When using the ISP, accompanying documents used to develop the ISP and any supporting documents (as applicable) must also be used.


The Annual Plan and records supporting development of the Annual Plan must include evidence of the following:


Family members, the child (as age appropriate), and others of the family or legal representative’s choosing have participated in the planning process.


Family support funds are used only to purchase supports or services tied to identified outcomes and necessary for the child to be supported in the family home.


A services coordinator has assessed the availability of other public, private, formal, and informal resources for providing supports and services to the child and family before using family support funds.


The services coordinator is working with the family to develop new resources whenever possible.


Identification of risks, including risk of serious neglect, intimidation, and exploitation.


Education and support for the child and the family to recognize and report abuse.


The CDDP may not commit family support funds through the Annual Plan beyond the period for which family support funds have been allocated to the CDDP.


SERVICE MONITORING. The services coordinator must conduct and document reviews of the Annual Plan and available resources with the parent or legal representative in accordance with OAR 411-415-0090 (Case Management Contact and Monitoring of Services).

Source: Rule 411-305-0225 — Needs Assessment and Service Planning, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=411-305-0225.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-305-0225’s source at or​.us