OAR 411-320-0045
Quality Assurance Responsibilities


Each CDDP must draft a local CDDP management plan as described in OAR 411-320-0030 (Organization and Program Management) that supports the Department’s Quality Management Strategy for meeting CMS’ six waiver quality assurances, as required and defined by 42 CFR 441.301 (Payment of expenses when income inadequate) and 441.302. CMS’ six waiver assurances are:


Administrative authority;


Level of care;


Qualified service providers;


Service plans;


Health and welfare; and


Financial accountability.


Each CDDP must implement, maintain, and monitor minimum quality assurance activities, as required by the Department and set forth in section (3) of this rule. CDDPs may conduct additional quality assurance activities that consider local community needs and priorities for services and the unique organizational structure, policies, and procedures of the CDDP.


The CDDP must conduct, monitor, and report the outcomes and any remediation as a result of the following Department required activities:


Individual case file reviews;


Customer satisfaction surveys administered at least every two years;


Service provider file reviews;


Until a CDDP is certified as a CAM user by the Department, analysis of SERT (Serious Event Review Team) system data which may include:


Review by service provider, location, reason, status, outcome, and follow-up;


Review of timely reporting of abuse allegations; and


Coordination of delivery of information requested by the Department, such as the Serious Event Review Team (SERT).

Source: Rule 411-320-0045 — Quality Assurance Responsibilities, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=411-320-0045.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-320-0045’s source at or​.us