OAR 413-310-0410


“Application”: Process of matching the cost of care with a child’s Trust and Agency Maintenance Account, withdrawing available money up to the cost of care, and transferring the money to the Department’s Other Funds account.


“Care”: Services provided to meet the needs of a child, i.e. food, shelter, clothing, medical care, schooling, protection, supervision, etc.


“Collected Support Arrearage”: The amount of child support arrearage collected by the Department of Justice, Division of Child Support (DCS), or, the Department of Revenue which is passed on to the Department for posting to the child’s Trust Account.


“Collectible Unreimbursed Assistance (CUA)”: The unpaid portion of child support established by court order or administrative order by DCS to be paid by the obligor as child support.


“Financial Accountings”: A detailed accounting of all money spent by the Department on a child’s behalf and the amount of Trust and Agency money, by funding source, reimbursed to the Department for these items.


“Legal Custody”:


To have physical custody and control of a child;


To supply the child with food, clothing, shelter, and other necessities;


To provide the child with care, education, and discipline; and


To authorize medical, dental, psychiatric, psychological, hygienic, or other remedial care or treatment for the child, and in an emergency, where the child’s safety appears urgently to require it, to authorize surgery or other extraordinary care.


“Paid Placement”: The home or facility utilized by the Department to provide care for a child where there is a cost to the agency.


“Pre-Adoptive Status”: Trial placement of a child with a prospective adoptive applicant.


“Child Support Program (CSP)”: A section within the Division of Child Support, Department of Justice responsible for receiving and recording support money paid by an obligor and the transferring these money to the proper representative payee.


“Special Account Money”: A sub-section of a child’s Trust Account to receive money intended for a child’s extra personal needs. This money may come from family, friends, the student’s own earnings, etc.


“Support Arrearages”: The amount of unpaid support which has been established by court order or voluntary agreement for the purpose of maintaining a child(ren).


“Division of Child Support (DCS)”: A division in the Department of Justice responsible for enforcing the support obligation of parents whose children are receiving public assistance.


“Termination of Custody”: Relinquishment of Department custody as a result of a court order, emancipation through attaining legal age, marriage, retraction of voluntary commitment or legal adoption.


“Unreimbursed Assistance (UA)”: The total expenditures made by the state on behalf of a child less any amount reimbursed from the child’s Trust Account.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 413-310-0410’s source at or​.us