OAR 414-205-0010

(1) “Caregiver” means any person, including the provider, who cares for the children in the registered family child care home and works directly with the children, providing care, supervision and guidance.
(2) “Central Background Registry” (CBR) means OCC’s Registry of individuals who have been approved to be associated with a child care facility in Oregon pursuant to ORS 329A.030 (Central Background Registry) and OAR 414-061-0000 (Purpose) through 414-061-0120 (Rights for Review and Contested Case Hearings).
(a) “CBR Enrollment” means approval for a 5 year period to be enrolled in the CBR following an Oregon State Police criminal records check, child abuse and neglect records check, checks of adult protective services and foster care certification and an FBI records check.
(b) “CBR Conditional Enrollment” means temporary approval to be enrolled in the CBR following a Oregon State Police records check and child abuse and neglect records check but prior to receipt by OCC of the results of the required FBI records check.
(3) “Child Care” means the care, supervision and guidance on a regular basis of a child, unaccompanied by a parent, legal guardian or custodian, during a part of the 24 hours of the day, with or without compensation.
(4) “Child Care Child” means a child at least six weeks of age and under 13 years of age, or a child under 18 years of age with special needs. The child does not reside in the home and the provider has supervisory responsibility for the child in the temporary absence of the parent.
(5) “Child with Special Needs” means a child under 18 years of age who requires a level of care over and above the norm for their age due to a physical, developmental, behavioral, mental or medical disability.
(6) “Civil Penalty” means a fine imposed by OCC on a provider for violation on these rules.
(7) “Communicable Disease” means an illness caused by an infectious agent or its toxins.
(8) “Disinfecting” means using a process for destroying or irreversibly inactivating harmful organisms, including bacteria, viruses, germs and fungi.
(10) “Infant” means a child who is at least six weeks of age up to 12 months of age.
(11) “Kindergarten-Age Child” means a child eligible to attend kindergarten in a public school. A kindergarten-age child is considered a school-age child.
(12) “New Application” means a registration application that has been filed by an applicant who has never had an active registration.
(13) “Night Care” means care given to a child who sleeps at the family child care home for all or part of the night.
(14) “OCC” means the Office of Child Care, Early Learning Division of the Department of Education.
(15) “Occasional” means infrequently or intermittently, including but not limited to care that is provided during summer or other holiday breaks when children are not attending school, but not to exceed 70 calendar days in a year.
(16) “Oregon Registry” means the voluntary registry at the Oregon Center for Career Development in Childhood Care and Education at Portland State University that documents the training and education of individuals who work in childhood care and education.
(17) “Outbreak of Communicable Disease” means two cases from separate households associated with a suspected common source.
(18) “Premises” means the structure that is identified on the application, including indoors and outdoors and space not directly used for child care.
(19) “Preschool-Age Child” means a child who is 36 months of age up to eligible to attend kindergarten in a public school.
(20) “Provider” means a resident of the registered family child care home who is responsible for the children in care; is the children’s primary caregiver; and the person whose name is on the certificate of registration.
(21) “Registered Family Child Care Home” means the residence of the provider, who has a current Family Child Care Registration at that address and who provides care in the family living quarters.
(22) “Registration” means the document a family child care provider is issued by OCC to operate a family child care home where care is provided in the family living quarters of the provider’s home pursuant to ORS 329A.330 (Registration requirements) and OAR 414-205-0000 (Purpose) through 414-205-0170 (Suspension, Denial, Revocation, Findings Reviews and Civil Penalties). Registration is limited to one provider at one address.
(23) “Renewal Application” means a registration application that has been filed by a currently registered family child care provider who wishes to continue registration.
(24) “Reopen Application” means a registration application that has been filed by an applicant whose registration is expired or closed, including those closures resulting from an address change.
(25) “Restrictable Disease” means an illness or infection that would prohibit the child from attending child care.
(26) “Sanitizing” means using a treatment that provides enough heat or concentration of chemicals for enough time to reduce the bacterial count, including disease producing organisms, to a safe level on utensils, equipment and toys.
(27) "School‐Age Child" means a child eligible to attend kindergarten or above in public school. This includes the months from the end of the prior school year to the start of the kindergarten school year.
(28) “Serious Complaint” means a complaint filed against:
(a) A registered family child care provider by a person who alleges that:
(A) Children are in imminent danger;
(B) There are more children in care than allowed by law;
(C) Provider is engaging in behavior prohibited under OAR 414-205-0085 (Guidance and Discipline)(6);
(D) Children are not being supervised;
(E) Multiple or serious fire, health or safety hazards are present in the home;
(F) Extreme unsanitary conditions are present in the home; or
(G) Adults are in the home who are not enrolled in OCC’s CBR; or
(b) An individual providing child care, as defined by ORS 329A.250 (Definitions for ORS 329A.030 and 329A.250 to 329A.450)(4), who is not a registered family child care provider by a person who has alleged that there are more children in care than allowed by law.
(29) “Serious Injury or Incident” means any of the following:
(a) Injury requiring surgery;
(b) Injury requiring admission to a hospital;
(c) Injury requiring emergency medical attention;
(d) Choking and unexpected breathing problems;
(e) Unconsciousness;
(f) Concussion;
(g) Poisoning;
(h) Medication overdose;
(i) Broken bone;
(j) Severe head or neck injury;
(k) Chemical contact in eyes, mouth, skin, inhalation or ingestion;
(l) All burns;
(m) Allergic reaction requiring administration of Epi-Pen;
(n) Severe bleeding or stitches;
(o) Shock or confused state;
(p) Near-drowning.
(30) “Serious Violation” means OCC has made a valid finding when assessing a serious complaint that alleges:
(a) Children are in imminent danger;
(b) There are more children in care than allowed by law;
(c) Provider is engaging in behavior prohibited under OAR 414-205-0085 (Guidance and Discipline)(6);
(d) Children are not being supervised;
(e) Multiple or serious fire, health or safety hazards are present in the home;
(f) Extreme unsanitary conditions are present in the home; or
(g) Adults are in the home who are not enrolled in OCC’s CBR; or
(h) An individual is providing child care as defined by ORS 329A.250 (Definitions for ORS 329A.030 and 329A.250 to 329A.450)(4) without registering with the Office of Child Care of the Department of Education.
(31) “Substitute Provider” means a person who acts as the children’s primary caregiver in the registered family child care home in the temporary absence of the provider.
(32) “Toddler” means a child who is at least 12 months of age but is not preschool-age.
(a) “Younger Toddler” means a child who is at least 12 months of age but is under 24 months of age.
(b) “Older toddler” means a child who is at least 24 months of age but is not yet preschool-age.
(33) “Unsupervised Access to Children” means contact with children that provides the person opportunity for personal communication or touch when not under the direct supervision of a child care provider or staff with supervisory authority.
(34) “Useable Exit” means an unobstructed door or window through which the provider and the children can evacuate the home in case of a fire or emergency. Doors must be able to be opened from the inside without a key.
(a) For homes built before July 1, 2010, window openings must be at least 20 inches wide and at least 22 inches in height, with a net clear opening of five square feet (at least 720 square inches) and a sill no more than 48 inches above the floor.
(b) For homes built after July 1, 2010, window openings must be at least 20 inches wide and at least 24 inches in height, with a net clear opening of five square feet (at least 720 square inches) and a sill no more than 44 inches above the floor.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 414-205-0010’s source at or​.us