OAR 414-300-0030
General Requirements

(1) The operator shall display the following near the entrance, or in some other area of the center, where they may be clearly viewed by parent(s) of children in care:
(a) The most current certificate issued by OCC;
(b) Name of the director and/or the substitute director;
(c) Notice of planned field trips away from the immediate neighborhood, showing the date and place of each excursion;
(d) The current week’s menu for all meals and snacks, if meals are provided by the center. Any substitution shall be recorded on the menu;
(e) A notice that the items identified in section (2) of this rule are available for review on request;
(f) Information on how to report a complaint to OCC regarding certification requirements;
(g) Notice that custodial parents have access to the center during the hours of operation and without advance notice;
(h) Notice of center closures (vacation days, holidays, etc.);
(i) The Early Learning Division Website [www.oregonearlylearning.com] and phone number [1-800-556-6616], and a statement advising parents that they can access information about their child care provider on the child care safety portal; and
(j) Centers must post all serious valid complaint and serious non-compliance letters for 12 calendar months.
(2) The certified child care center shall immediately notify all parents of any closure of the active license.
(3) The operator shall have available for review on request:
(a) A copy of OAR 414-300-0000 (Applicability of Rules) through 414-300-0415 (Civil Penalty), Rules for the Certification of Child Care Centers; and
(b) The most recent OCC, sanitation, and fire safety inspection reports.
(4) The operator shall report to OCC:
(a) Any death of a child while in care, within 24 hours;
(b) Within 24 hours:
(A) Any child that is lost or missing from the premises;
(B) Any child that is left behind on a facility excursion;
(C) Any child that is left unattended on the premises;
(D) Any child that is left alone on the playground; or
(E) Any child that is left alone in a vehicle.
(c) Any serious injury or incident, as defined in OAR 414-300-0010 (Application for a Child Care Certificate)(43) within 5 calendar days after the occurrence. This does not include:
(A) Injuries for which a child is evaluated by a professional as a precaution;
(B) Injuries for which first aid is administered at the center, but no further treatment by a medical professional is warranted: or
(C) Medical events due to routine, ongoing medical issues, such as asthma or seizures.
(d) Damage to the building which affects the operator’s ability to comply with these requirements, within 48 hours after the occurrence;
(e) Any animal bites to a child within 48 hours of occurrence; and
(f) Any change in director prior to the director being on site. Such prior notification must include the replacement person’s qualifications for the position and documentation that the person is enrolled in the Central Background Registry. An e-mail or a phone call, followed by written documentation, or a FAX will serve as notification.
(5) Information provided to OCC on applications, in records or reports, or any other written or verbal communication, shall be current, complete, and accurate.
(6) Staff shall report suspected child abuse or neglect immediately, as required by the Child Abuse Reporting Law (ORS 419B.005 (Definitions) through 419B.050 (Authority of health care provider to disclose information)), to the Department of Human Services Child Welfare (DHS) or to a law enforcement agency. By statute, this requirement applies 24 hours per day.
(7) The child care center shall comply with state and federal laws related to child safety systems and seat belts in vehicles, bicycle safety, civil rights laws, and the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).
(8) The following information shall be in writing and made available to staff, OCC, and to parent(s) at the time of enrollment:
(a) Name, business address, and business telephone number of the person(s) who have immediate responsibility for the daily operation of the center;
(b) Guidance and discipline policy;
(c) Arrival and departure procedures;
(d) Emergency plan, as specified in OAR 414-300-0170 (Hazards and Emergencies)(3);
(e) Procedures for field trips; and
(f) Information on transportation, when provided by the center;
(9) Representatives of all agencies involved in certification and custodial parents shall have immediate access to all parts of the center during hours of operation. OCC staff shall have the right to enter and inspect the center, including access to all staff, records of children enrolled in the center, and all records and reports related to the center operation regarding compliance with these rules.
(10) The center shall comply with the Health Division’s administrative rules relating to:
(a) Immunization of children (OAR 333-050-0010 (Definitions Used in the Immunization Rules) through 333-050-0140 (Second Dose Measles in Community Colleges));
(b) Reporting communicable diseases (OAR 333-018-0000 (Who Is Responsible for Reporting));
(c) Child care restrictable diseases (OAR 333-019-0010 (Disease Related School, Child Care, and Worksite Restrictions: Imposition of Restrictions)); and
(d) Dishwashing (OAR 333-150-0000 (Food Sanitation Rule)).
(11) Facilities must have parent(s) or guardian(s) of each child enrolled in the center, sign a declaration form approved by the Office of Child Care verifying they have reviewed a copy of the current license certificate. The declaration shall be updated any time there has been an exception or condition added to the license.
(12) The written emergency plan must be given to parents of children in care.
(13) A center shall have written health policies and procedures approved by the Health Division or the county health department which cover, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) Storage and handling of food;
(b) Diaper changing and disposal, if applicable. The diaper changing procedure must be posted in the diaper changing area;
(c) Bathing infants, if the center cares for infants;
(d) Care of bed linen;
(e) Hand washing procedures. The hand washing procedures must be posted at hand washing sinks; and
(f) Serving formula, storage and handling of bottles, and feeding infants, if the center cares for infants.
(14) Parental request or permission to waive any of the rules for the certification of child care centers does not give the center permission to do so.
(15) The Office of Child Care may notify parent(s) or guardian(s) of children under 12 months of age enrolled in the center of any valid non-compliance with regulations for safe sleep included in OAR 414-300-0300 (Infant and Toddler Program of Activities)(6).
[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

Source: Rule 414-300-0030 — General Requirements, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=414-300-0030.

Applicability of Rules
Application for a Child Care Certificate
Issuance of a Child Care Certificate
Exceptions to Rules
General Requirements
Arrival and Departure
Record Keeping
General Requirements
Director — Qualifications and Duties
Head Teacher — Qualifications and Duties
Teacher Aides
School-Age Multi-Site Programs — Additional Staff
Staff Training
Staff/Child Ratios and Group Size
Indoor Space
Outdoor Space
Fire Protection
Hazards and Emergencies
Toilet Facilities
Testing for Lead in Drinking Water
Infant and Toddler Furniture and Equipment
Illness or Injury
Animals in the Center
Food Selection, Storage, and Preparation
Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Storage of Food Service Equipment and Utensils
Meals and Snacks
Program Plan
Program of Activities for All Children
Infant and Toddler Program of Activities
Preschool-Age Program of Activities
School-Age Program of Activities
Guidance and Discipline
Equipment and Materials
Night Care
Swimming Activities
Drop-in Care
Suspension, Denial and Revocation
Civil Penalty
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 414-300-0030’s source at or​.us