OAR 414-300-0280
Meals and Snacks


Meals and snacks provided to children shall meet the following requirements:


Food services hours may be flexible but there shall be no more than 3-12 hours between meals and snacks in any center providing care for the same children 3-12 or more consecutive hours;


In a center open morning through afternoon, lunch and morning and afternoon snacks shall be served to the children in care. If breakfast is served in the center to all children, a midmorning snack is not required, as long as there is no more than 3-12 hours between meals;


School age children arriving after school shall be served a snack; and


When the planned attendance is prior to 7 a.m. or after 6:30 p.m., a child shall be offered a complete meal if it is not provided or arranged for by the parent(s).


Meals for children shall be:


Prepared on-site;


Catered; or


Provided by the parent(s).


During the service and eating of meals and snacks, the appropriate number of staff to meet staff/child ratios shall be engaged with the children in food-related activities.


Proper hand washing, as specified in OAR 414-300-0180 (Sanitation)(6) shall be practiced prior to and after eating meals or snacks.


When parent(s) provide food for the meal:


Food shall be brought on a daily basis and be ready to eat;


All food and beverage containers shall be labeled with the child’s name;


The center shall provide at least one serving of milk to each child at meals and shall provide morning and afternoon snacks;


Each child’s food shall be monitored daily to ensure that the food meets nutritional requirements as defined in OAR 414-300-0270 (Nutrition);


The center shall have sufficient food available to supplement any lunch that does not meet nutrition requirements as defined in OAR 414-300-0270 (Nutrition);


If parents bring food for all the children as snacks or for celebrations, the food shall be commercially prepared and served by the center in an approved manner; and


There shall be a refrigerator on site to store foods needing refrigeration.


Catered foods shall be:


Prepared in a kitchen approved by the State Health Division or a county health department; and


Delivered in a safe, sanitary manner with food maintained at the required temperature (OAR 414-300-0250 (Food Selection, Storage, and Preparation)).


If meals are catered, the process of receiving, holding and serving food shall be approved by the environmental health specialist.


To serve family style meals, where food is brought to the table in larger quantities and served to the plates from the table, a center must have a written plan, approved by the environmental health specialist and OCC, which includes at least the following elements:


Provision for handwashing immediately prior to eating;


Separate serving portions for each table;


Serving utensils distinct from eating utensils;


Table accommodations for group sizes no larger than those stated in OAR 414-300-0130 (Staff/Child Ratios and Group Size), Table 3A or Table 3B, for that age group;


Provision for serving mildly ill children so as to prevent the spread of the illness; and


The discarding of any food brought to the table and not eaten.


If there is no kitchen in the center and if meals or snacks are not catered:


Only single service utensils shall be used;


Either commercially-prepared, individually-packaged, single-serving foods shall be served or the serving of bulk food shall be approved by the environmental health specialist;


Utensils that require washing shall not be used or stored on site;


Food shall be stored in a space used only for food, beverages and single-service utensils; and


If foods needing refrigeration are served, the center shall have a refrigerator.


A center serving children under 12 months of age shall comply with the following requirements for those children:


Each child shall be fed on his/her own feeding schedule;


When formula is provided by the center, it shall be either the commercially prepared, iron-enriched, ready-to-feed type or shall be prepared from powder or concentrate and diluted according to manufacturers’ instructions. When formula is prepared on site, it must be mixed in a kitchen approved by the environmental health specialist, and the program must have a written plan for mixing formula and sanitizing bottles and nipples. The plan must be approved in writing by the environmental health specialist;


Formula, breast milk, and food provided by the parent(s) shall be clearly marked with the child’s name and refrigerated if required;


Whole milk, skim milk, 1%, and 2% milk shall not be served unless requested in writing by the child’s parent(s) and with a medical provider’s written permission.


Any bottles used for feeding liquid must be sterilized at the center by boiling or must come from home labeled by the parent with the child’s name. Nipples must be stored in a closed container after sterilizing;


Solid foods fed to infants shall be selected from the food groups specified in OAR 414-300-0270 (Nutrition)(2):


Solid foods shall not be fed to infants less than four months of age without parental consent;


Solid food shall not be served directly from the container;


Leftovers in the serving container shall be discarded; and


Solid foods, with the exception of finger foods, shall be fed with a spoon.


Honey or foods containing honey shall not be served to children under 12 months of age; and


Children who cannot feed themselves shall be held or, if able to sit alone, fed in an upright position.


Infants up to six months of age shall be held or sitting up in a caregiver’s lap for bottle feeding.


Bottles shall never be propped. The child or a staff person shall hold the bottle.


Infants no longer being held for feeding shall be fed in a manner that provides safety and comfort.
(10) Children of any age shall not be laid down with a bottle.
Applicability of Rules
Application for a Child Care Certificate
Issuance of a Child Care Certificate
Exceptions to Rules
General Requirements
Arrival and Departure
Record Keeping
General Requirements
Director — Qualifications and Duties
Head Teacher — Qualifications and Duties
Teacher Aides
School-Age Multi-Site Programs — Additional Staff
Staff Training
Staff/Child Ratios and Group Size
Indoor Space
Outdoor Space
Fire Protection
Hazards and Emergencies
Toilet Facilities
Testing for Lead in Drinking Water
Infant and Toddler Furniture and Equipment
Illness or Injury
Animals in the Center
Food Selection, Storage, and Preparation
Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Storage of Food Service Equipment and Utensils
Meals and Snacks
Program Plan
Program of Activities for All Children
Infant and Toddler Program of Activities
Preschool-Age Program of Activities
School-Age Program of Activities
Guidance and Discipline
Equipment and Materials
Night Care
Swimming Activities
Drop-in Care
Suspension, Denial and Revocation
Civil Penalty
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 414-300-0280’s source at or​.us