OAR 414-300-0070
General Requirements


The operator shall establish a system of job descriptions, staff selection, and staff evaluation. All caregivers shall:


Have competence, sound judgment, and self-control in working with children;


Be mentally, physically, and emotionally capable of performing duties related to child care; and


Have the required training and/or experience for the position for which they are hired.


There shall be a person or persons on the staff who meet(s) the qualifications of director (OAR 414-300-0080 (Director — Qualifications and Duties)) and head teacher (OAR 414-300-0090 (Head Teacher — Qualifications and Duties)). A person assigned the duties of the position must meet the qualifications of the position.


Notwithstanding OAR 414-300-0120 (Staff Training)(3), there shall be at least one person in the center at all times who has current certification in first aid and CPR.


Any staff with evidence of a child care-restrictable disease, as defined in OAR 333-019-0010 (Disease Related School, Child Care, and Worksite Restrictions: Imposition of Restrictions), symptom of physical illness, as defined in OAR 414-300-0220 (Illness or Injury)(1), or mental incapacity that poses a threat to the health or safety of children shall be relieved of his/her duties.


If additional information is needed to assess a person’s ability to care for children or to have access to children, OCC may require references, an evaluation by a physician, counselor, or other qualified person, or other information.


No one shall have access to child care children or be in the center during child care hours who has demonstrated behavior that may have a detrimental effect on a child. This includes any individual in the center who has or may have unsupervised access, however brief, to child care children (i.e., the owner, the operator, all child care staff, maintenance staff who work on-site during hours of operation, volunteers who may be left alone with children, etc.). This does not apply to persons authorized to drop off and pick up a child care child.


The operator, all child care staff and others as described in section (6) above 18 years of age or older shall be enrolled in OCC’s Central Background Registry prior to the issuance of an initial or renewal certification;


The facility must receive confirmation from OCC that staff who are 18 years of age or older, are enrolled or conditionally enrolled in the CBR before they may be on-site of the child care premises during child care hours.


When a center is notified by OCC that a staff member or other individual has been removed from the Central Background Registry, the center shall not permit the staff member or other individual to have access to child care children;


If any person listed in section (6) and section (6)(a) of this rule has been charged with, arrested for, or a warrant is out for any of the crimes which OCC has determined indicate behavior which may have a detrimental effect on a child, with final disposition not yet reached, certification will be denied or suspended until the charge, arrest, or warrant has been resolved if the person continues to operate, be employed in, or have access to children in the center;


If a criminal record check shows that a warrant has been issued for any person checked, OCC will inform the originating law enforcement agency of the person’s name, address, and telephone number.
(7) Staff conditionally enrolled in the CBR may function in their staff position but shall not have unsupervised access to children until the center has confirmed with OCC the individual is enrolled.
(8) All caregivers and other individuals that are required to be enrolled in the CBR and are on-site must maintain current enrollment in the CBR at all times while the center license is active.
(9) Individuals whose CBR enrollment has been revoked, denied or suspended, may not be on the premises during child care hours; or have contact with child care children.
(10) Any visitor to the center or other adult who is not enrolled in the CBR shall not have unsupervised access to children.
(11) The center shall have a written plan to ensure that individuals who are not enrolled or conditionally enrolled in the CBR and are on the child care premises shall not have unsupervised access to children.


The center shall maintain a log of arrival and departure times of all individuals 18 and older who are not enrolled or conditionally enrolled in the CBR and enter the center while child care children are present, excluding persons authorized to drop off and pick up a child care child.


If additional information is needed to assess a person’s ability to care for children or to have access to children, OCC may require references, an evaluation by a physician, counselor, or other qualified person, or other information.


Alcohol shall not be consumed or stored on the child care center premises during the hours the child care business is conducted or when child care children are present. No one shall be under the influence of alcohol on the child care center premises during the hours the child care business is conducted or when child care children are present.


No one shall possess, use or store illegal controlled substances on the child care center premises. No one shall be under the influence of illegal controlled substances on the child care center premises.


No one shall grow or possess marijuana plants or distribute marijuana on the child care center premises. No one shall possess, use or store marijuana on the premises of the child care center unless medically necessary to treat a child care child. No adult shall use or be under the influence of marijuana on the child care center premises.


Marijuana, derivatives and associated paraphernalia shall not be kept on the child care center premises unless medically necessary to treat a child care child. All associated medical marijuana must be kept in original container if purchased at a dispensary, and together with derivatives and related paraphernalia must be kept under child safety lock.


Volunteers must meet the following requirements:


If volunteers are counted in determining the staff/child ratios, they must meet the qualifications of the position they are filling and be enrolled in the Central Background Registry;


If volunteers may have unsupervised access to children, they must be enrolled in the Central Background Registry;


If volunteers do not have unsupervised access to children at any time, including during emergencies, the center must have a written policy to this effect, the policy must be known to all center staff and volunteers, and the volunteers do not have to be enrolled in the Central Background Registry.
(19) No person shall smoke or carry any lighted smoking instrument, including an e-cigarette or vaporizer in the certified center or within ten feet of any entrance, exit, or window that opens or any ventilation intake that serves an enclosed area, during child care hours or when child care children are present. No person shall use smokeless tobacco in the certified center during child care hours or when child care children are present. No person shall smoke, carry any lighted smoking instrument, including an e-cigarette or vaporizer or use smokeless tobacco in motor vehicles while child care children are passengers.

Source: Rule 414-300-0070 — General Requirements, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=414-300-0070.

Applicability of Rules
Application for a Child Care Certificate
Issuance of a Child Care Certificate
Exceptions to Rules
General Requirements
Arrival and Departure
Record Keeping
General Requirements
Director — Qualifications and Duties
Head Teacher — Qualifications and Duties
Teacher Aides
School-Age Multi-Site Programs — Additional Staff
Staff Training
Staff/Child Ratios and Group Size
Indoor Space
Outdoor Space
Fire Protection
Hazards and Emergencies
Toilet Facilities
Testing for Lead in Drinking Water
Infant and Toddler Furniture and Equipment
Illness or Injury
Animals in the Center
Food Selection, Storage, and Preparation
Cleaning, Sanitizing, and Storage of Food Service Equipment and Utensils
Meals and Snacks
Program Plan
Program of Activities for All Children
Infant and Toddler Program of Activities
Preschool-Age Program of Activities
School-Age Program of Activities
Guidance and Discipline
Equipment and Materials
Night Care
Swimming Activities
Drop-in Care
Suspension, Denial and Revocation
Civil Penalty
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 414-300-0070’s source at or​.us