OAR 416-530-0030
Application Process

Applicants for initial certification must:


Complete and submit all forms required by OYA;


Participate in home studies as required by OYA; and


Provide all information required by OYA to verify compliance with these rules, including, but not limited to:


Name(s), gender, address, birth date, social security number, and Oregon driver’s license number of all applicants and members of the household;


Names and addresses of at least four persons, three of whom are unrelated to the applicant, who have known the applicant for two years or more and who can attest to the applicant’s ability to provide care and supervision to youth offenders. If applicants are applying for joint certification, each applicant must provide at least two different references unrelated to the applicant, who have known the applicant for two or more years, and who can attest to the applicant’s ability to provide care and supervision to youth offenders. OYA may also contact schools, employers, adult children of the applicant(s), and other persons who can attest to the applicant’s ability to provide care and supervision to youth offenders;


A statement as to whether the applicant or any member of the household has ever operated or currently is operating a licensed or certified care facility or foster home and reasons for the termination or closure of that license or certification;


Documentation from the applicant and all members of the household regarding all criminal arrests, all charges, and all convictions including juvenile delinquency arrests, adjudications, restraining or protective orders, and charges, the dates of offenses, and the resolution of those matters;


Documentation from the applicant and all members of the household regarding all allegations, charges, or investigations of abuse or neglect of a vulnerable person or youth offender, with dates, locations, and resolutions of those matters;


A statement fully disclosing all information or conditions which may disqualify the applicant or applicant’s home from certification;


A signed release of confidential information allowing OYA to release to the Department of Human Services information, including but not limited to, about whether there is an ongoing investigation involving the applicant or member of the household, or a finding of substantiated allegations of abuse or neglect by the applicant or member of the household, related to a vulnerable person or youth offender; and


Proof of sufficient income to meet the needs and ensure the stability and financial security of the members of the household, independent of the foster care maintenance payment. OYA will request copies of pay stubs, W-2 forms, or recent tax returns as proof of income.


Applicants must participate in a criminal records check process, as defined by these rules and OAR chapter 416, division 800.


OYA requires a criminal records check, including fingerprints, for applicants and other members of the household 18 years of age and older.


OYA requires a computerized criminal records check for members of the household 12 through 17 years of age.


OYA may conduct criminal records checks anytime that OYA deems it necessary for the safety of youth offenders in the home.

Source: Rule 416-530-0030 — Application Process, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 416-530-0030’s source at