OAR 416-530-0050


The selection of individuals to provide foster care services to youth offenders is based on a number of criteria, not the least of which is the criminal records check on each foster parent, foster parent applicant, and member of the household. Certain criminal or other records will automatically preclude any further certification steps.


Such records include but are not limited to a founded disposition of abuse or neglect of a vulnerable person documented in a state registry.


If an applicant or member of the household has a documented incident that resulted in an “unable to determine” disposition by the Department of Human Services or by another state agency beyond Oregon, OYA must require the applicant or member of the household prove that the applicant or member of the household does not pose a risk to the safety, health, or well-being of any youth offenders placed in the applicant’s home.


Applicants denied foster care certification or recertification as a result of a criminal record check will be provided written notice and may request a contested case hearing described in OAR 416 Division 800.


OYA may consider other available information when selecting individuals to provide foster care services to youth offenders, including information collected from the application, reference checks, interview results, safety checks of the proposed foster home, and any other information including information about other members of the household. Applicants denied foster care certification or recertification will be provided with written notice and may request a contested case hearing as described in these rules.


OYA will determine which applicants undergo a complete certification process and which applicants are certified based on how well each applicant meets the requirements set forth in these rules.


OYA will review the application and supporting documentation to determine compliance with these rules before making a decision to grant or deny an application for certification or re-certification.


In addition to the application information, OYA may contact other relevant sources, including, but not limited to, schools, employers, and other persons such as the applicant’s adult children.


OYA will make its decision regarding certification within 90 days of the receipt of the application and all supporting documentation. OYA will make its decision regarding re-certification prior to the expiration of the current certification. OYA will not review the application for certification or re-certification unless all materials have been submitted by the applicant and received by OYA.


OYA will issue a certificate only after an applicant successfully completes the application and certification process and satisfies all requirements.


Certificates must state:


The period of time for which it is issued;


The name of the foster parents or respite provider;


The address of the residence; and


The number of youth offenders the home is certified to serve.


Upon certification, the foster parent and OYA will enter into a Youth Offender Foster Home Agreement before youth offenders are placed in the foster home.


OYA may deny certification or re-certification if:


The applicant fails to meet the qualifications in these rules;


The applicant falsifies information, either knowingly or inadvertently, by providing inaccurate information or by omitting information; or


The applicant or any member of the household fails to meet the requirements of OAR chapter 416, division 800 or these rules.

Source: Rule 416-530-0050 — Certification, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 416-530-0050’s source at